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Jaymie’s Year In Nottingham: Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Topshop or J Crew? If you know the difference between the two, you probably already have some idea of the differences between British and American style. Of course, there’s huge variety in both countries, but between Charleston and Nottingham, I have seen some interesting variation in the fashion choices of students.


British Look

Obviously with the colder weather, there are a lot more things you can do with your outfit. You need so many layers that it gives you more of a chance to play with what you’re wearing. British girls tend to be a lot braver with their patterns, especially in leggings and tights or even mixing multiple bold prints in one outfit.

American girls go for a more classic, clean look that is always very feminine. I am finding it harder to do that here with all the layers you have to put on! I mean how girly can you look in two sweaters and a parka?
That being said, it’s a lot more fun putting outfits together here. I was super excited to come over here and have my favorite combination, shorts and tights, actually be acceptable. In the US, wearing shorts and tights isn’t really seen that much. Lots of jeans! But I don’t like wearing long trousers (side note: I need to stop saying “I don’t wear pants” because pants is the American term for trousers, and people are getting the wrong idea).
Overall the British look is more edgy, with darker colors, and the looks seem a lot more casual and comfortable while still looking extremely stylish.



The weather in America allows for very light clothing, so you get a lot of casual shorts or jeans but with nice tops and accessories. Think a casual button up blouse and a strand of pearls. Of course, I love dressing up every day, which is arguably unlike most American students, so the whole jean shorts and a tank top (vest top) are very common too! On a typical American campus you’d see a lot more university labeled gear, yoga pants, and just generally more skin.

You’d also see sundresses everywhere, all the time. A very popular look in the south is a sundress with cowboy boots. And if a girl isn’t sporting this look, there’s a good chance she’s wearing Nike running shorts (aka norts) and a t-shirt, sporting the “I’ll Be Going to the Gym After Class” look. Rest assured though, her hair and makeup will be done, so as not to lose the femininity. Remember ladies, we’re also at university to get our MRS! (Just kidding….kind of)
Overall the American look is more preppy, with brighter colors, and very feminine. 



I’ve noticed that British girls will wear sneakers a lot more often than American girls will. I’ve definitely seen some shoes here that American girls would NOT go near, like some chunky sneakers. My first impression on some of the shoes here was how unfeminine they were. But girls here totally rock them! Because of the weather, Americans wear A LOT of sandals and flip flops. Queue the perfectly polished toes as again, as it’s all about being feminine. Likewise, the weather here in the UK kind of dictates what you wear, so you see a lot more boots, keds, wellies, and booties. Actually speaking of booties, I bought myself an adorable pair of suede ones before coming here, but realized afterward, WHO BUYS SUEDE TO COME TO SUCH A RAINY COUNTRY?



I feel like overall America is much more trend-focused. It feels like every girl has a pair of Jack Roger sandals, Tory Burch flats, cowboy boots, Hunter rain boots, and Rainbow flip flops. And that’s just shoes! If you walk down a Charleston street, I guarantee that 80% of the shoes you see I JUST NAMED. American girls are so big into following style trends. I often find myself hating a new trend (chunky metal watches) and then 6 months later, I’ve seen it so much I MUST HAVE MY OWN. I mean who DIDN’T come back from Christmas with a brand new Michael Kors watch? Among other huge trends to Google at your leisure (and laugh at some of them) are the classic Lily Pullitzer planner, Northface Jackets, Nike running shorts, bubble necklaces, the list goes on. 



Make Up and Accessories

British girls definitely wear much heavier makeup. I love it. The eyeliner is generally done a lot thicker here, and I see winged eyeliner all the time. My guess is that since all the layers of clothes take away from one’s otherwise feminine shape, it’s made up for in bold, very chic makeup.
Also something that’s huge in the US? MONOGRAMMING. Holy crap, what can’t you monogram. Southern girls love to put their initials on necklaces, wallets, clothes, scarves, book bags, water bottles, cell phone cases, laptops; it is actually a little bit insane.


I love both American and British style. The versatile, unique British fashion and the classic, clean look of American fashion are both fun to sport no matter what side of the pond you’re on. Not sure how much of the British style I’ll pick up and bring back home, we’ll just have to see!



Edited by Luisa Parnell

Sam is a Third Year at the University of Nottingham, England and Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham. She is studying English and would love a career in journalism or marketing (to name two very broad industries). But for now, her favourite pastimes include nightclubs, ebay, cooking, reading, hunting down new music, watching thought-provoking films, chatting, and attempting to find a sport/workout regime that she enjoys!