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How To Transition Your Clothing From Summer To Autumn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

There are two types of women that we all know at the moment. There are those who just can’t wait for autumn and everything it entails – we’ve all seen the Instagrams that started on 1st September about blankets and pumpkins…



And then there are those desperately clinging onto the dream of warm sunshine and bare legs from all that was summer.



One thing we can all agree on though, is the potential of autumn fashion and having a massive shopping spree to create a brand new wardrobe of clothes. Then we can show off to the rest of the world and prove how good we can look! But there’s the problem as to when we can actually wear everything without completely overheating and sweating through the fabrics because of hilly walks or boiling lecture theatres (just a bit embarrassing).


Every year we all struggle through this annoying phase where the weather is too temperamental for our liking. While we can never find the right thing to wear, it seems like everyone else looks effortlessly cool in the perfect outfit for a day that can’t make up its mind.

Mornings are the main issue. After opening the curtains to see fog, we always assume it’ll be freezing outside just because it’s no longer August. So a jumper and coat seems like a logical option because who wants to be cold? But after five minutes walking it’s already too hot for the coat and by half ten the jumper’s feeling a bit too warm and you know you’ve made completely the wrong choice today – you know you’ll be sweating by lunchtime and moaning about being cold by the end of the day.

The best way to tackle this problem is with the age-old trick of layers. We’ve all been told this for years but it’s always reiterated once we start complaining about being too hot or too cold. It’s the weather’s fault, not ours!

Thin knits are ideal as they can be easily layered and still look autumnal and it’s easy to add a lightweight jacket. This time of year is also great for skirts and shorts as tights are optional, especially if your top half is layered up, meaning you can show off that summer tan for longer if you’re brave enough!

Millie Mackintosh is the perfect example of where to go to for summer/autumn outfits that won’t cause you hassle all day. While we may not all be able to look exactly like Millie and abide by her clean, healthy lifestyle, we can at least take inspiration from her combos that look fantastic. And they clearly work as she writes, ‘I love this time of year… You can get your knitwear out but still get away with no tights!’.

The looks are affordable too – the tapestry skirt is from her clothing range costs £49 and the turtleneck from Zara comes at around £26!


If in any doubt, Cher from Clueless holds all the answers as she perfects layers and fashion twenty years on. #Goals



Edited by Tia Ralhan 




https://instagram.com/p/8TSA76hYz8/?taken-by=camillamackintosh https://instagram.com/p/8VEmywBY46/?taken-by=camillamackintosh

