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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

*Inspired by my holy grail – Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King, which if you haven’t read is a self-care must! Would also recommend his – Healing is the New High.*

Gossiping… something we are all more than guilty of, some more than others, we simply can’t help ourselves. Gossiping probably centres most of our conversations with friends, but it’s seriously lowering your vibration and there’s honestly not really anything good that comes of it. When you think about what gossiping is, it’s often sharing secrets, something you’ve heard or passing judgement on something that is 90% of the time negative. We feel it’s our place to speak about matters that we have nothing to do with and engage in what can sometimes be really hurtful and damaging conversations, ultimately lowering your vibration.

The book speaks about Ayurveda, this is an ancient Indian medical system that says when we gossip we directly affect the energy centres of the body, known as chakras, overall limiting our ability to access higher vibrational states. You often get yourself into situations that can become more than you initially intended, you can upset others and overall what business do you have negatively passing judgement on somebody else’s life?

This is definitely not coming from a place of perfection. I am not exempt and most certainly am guilty of engaging in gossip. It’s a habit that we fall into, gossip columns and magazines have normalised it we believe it to be a conversation starter or a shared interest, and it’s not! It’s about breaking the habit, recognising when you are gossiping and correcting yourself. You create an inner dialogue with yourself in which you feel you are going to gossip and you refrain from doing so. Gossiping is a like a glass of wine, initially, it might make you feel good but after it’s a sore head and a tummy ache.

Not only do we need to stop ourselves from gossiping but we also need to question why we do it. Every question is a learning opportunity about our own minds and soul. Are we engaging in it because we are jealous, or bitter and it’s a way of what we feel to be bringing someone else down? Of course, we all have people that have upset us, we don’t like or just haven’t had very good interaction with and this is when most of us find ourselves gossiping about people. It’s natural to have fallouts or dislikes but just avoid talking about them, if anything they go unaffected and it’s your own mind and vibration that becomes harmed or agitated. We also must be aware that gossiping can spread untrue and hurtful rumours that leave people feeling upset and can disrupt their inner peace.

Next time you find yourself gossiping, ask yourself, why did I just do that, and refrain from future situations. After all, who even has the time to focus on anything that doesn’t bring you, happiness, health and success?

Caitlin Sweeney

Nottingham '23

A lover of Wilde and Shelley, and a guilty pleasure for 80s music. I believe chocolate and tea can solve 98% of my problems, I am always up for new challenges and learning new things !