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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: The Top 5 Dissertation Titles of 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

As the academic year draws to an end, it is inevitable that no matter what year of study you are in, your social media has become bombarded with final years posting pictures, status’ and tweets about their dissertation submissions.

If you don’t post an obligatory picture of your dissertation hand in, did you even do a degree?

With this in mind, I have have collated the best and funniest dissertation titles that have crossed my social media over the past couple of weeks.

1. My Bare Lady: The effects of pornography on young women

With a play on the popular film ‘My Fair Lady’, this catchy title embeds the short title from old videotape porno, whilst also catching the eye of the millennial audience concerned with how pornography effects sex. Sociology finalist explores the representations of women in pornography, and how it effects their behaviour and attitudes in the bedroom

2. The politics of the avocado: How representations of class and culture are formed through the medium of food in photography using elements of need and desire.

The title of this dissertation by a photography student has to be one of my favourites. As a lover of both avocados, and the use of a colon in a title, this ticks all the boxes. Looking at class and culture through food, perhaps this dissertation will explain why we’re so obsessed with the avocado, and why we are all so obsessed with taking pictures of our food.

3. Keeping up with the Kardashians: A postfeminist fairytale?

A less traditional dissertation subject, but nonetheless a great one. Anyone who can incorporate the Kardashians in their dissertation gets an automatic first from me! Analysing the Kardashian sisters, this student was able to argue whether they promote or perpetuate the classic feminist fairytale. Who knew that bing watching reality TV could be so academic?

4. The Geography of ASOS

If you thought Geography was all about rocks, rivers and coastal towns you were wrong! You can in fact get either a BSC or BA degree in Geography, and this dissertation was taken from a BA student studying Human Geography, and more excitingly the geography behind our favourite online shopping site ASOS- Amazing!

5. I’ve turneditin. Now to turnitup

Ok, so not an actual dissertation title, but a fairly witty Instagram caption that deserves some recognition!



