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Food Trends for 2014

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Gluten FreeMore people than ever are choosing to follow a gluten free diet even if they don’t have an intolerance to it. Buckwheat, which isn’t actually a wheat or a grain, is predicted by experts to be the superfood of 2014 and can be eaten as part of a gluten-free diet. It can be used to make pasta, healthy pancakes and waffles or can be eaten instead of rice or couscous.

‘Flexitarianism’You’ve probably got a housemate who already follows the rules of flexitarianism. They’re someone who tries to follow a vegetarian diet … until they smell bacon cooking downstairs or are tempted by the meat option at their favourite restaurant. Someone who has all the intentions of following a vegetarian diet… but just can’t commit to it.

Healthy ChocolateGrowing in popularity in France is ‘Wellness Cacao’ which is a fruity chocolate bar that promises health benefits. Taking it one step further is iQ ‘superfood’ chocolate and probiotic ‘Ohso’ bars which contains healthy bacteria, more commonly found in yogurts. It seems healthy chocolate may no longer be too good to be true. 

2-in-1 dessertsStarted in America (of course!) these are basically two traditional desserts combined together to get the best flavours and textures of both. So for example, the ‘cronut’ which is a cross between a croissant and a doughnut. Or the ‘townie’ – a brownie in a tart! Expect there to be many more new words beings coined this year to keep up with this trend. 

Nicotine CocktailsThese are the latest novelty cocktails to hit fashionable bars in New York and across America. Dark liquors are sweetened with tobacco-infused sugar to create a unique and subtle flavour. The craze for these cocktails has been spurred on by the banning of smoking in bars in over half of U.S. states, so expect to see them heading our way soon. A perfect tipple for people trying to quit smoking!

Bon Appétit! 


Edited by Caroline Chan 

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Alice Dirks


Sam is a Third Year at the University of Nottingham, England and Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham. She is studying English and would love a career in journalism or marketing (to name two very broad industries). But for now, her favourite pastimes include nightclubs, ebay, cooking, reading, hunting down new music, watching thought-provoking films, chatting, and attempting to find a sport/workout regime that she enjoys!