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Beauty Blog: Products That Expensive Brands Don’t Want You to See

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

The flashy counters of high end makeup brands have the tendency to lure customers in, based on their visual appeal and marketing strategies. And who can resist the charm of their flawless consultants with slicked-back pony tails, impeccably arched eyebrows and professional uniforms who practically fall at your feet in servitude once you step within the two foot perimeter of the counter? However the Chanel’s, Bobby Brown’s and Estae Lauder’s of the world do not want you to know that the price of their products often enough doesn’t justify you buying them – particularly because there are “high street” alternatives which deliver a similar level of quality for a fraction of the price. Below I have prioritised essential makeup products that you should head over to the aisles of Boots for and a few which might be worth the splurge…


Eyeliner is at the bottom of the spectrum as I feel it is an absolute sin to fork out anything over a fiver for what is essentially a glorified pencil. Rimmel Scandal Eyes Waterproof Kohl Liner (£3.99 at Boots) is all that I reach for as its creamy formula glides on easily and doesn’t budge.


Out of the hundreds of mascaras available in the beauty world it’d be pretty difficult for a cheaper brand to not get at least one right. Luckily there are a handful of mascaras at affordable prices that stand on par with their high end rivals. Some of these include; Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara (£10.99), Soap & Glory Thick & Fast? Super Volume Mascara Superjet Black (£10.00) and L’Oreal False Lash Telescopic Mascara (£10.00).


I discovered Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder (£3.99) a few years ago and have regretted straying from it every time I’ve ventured to find a better alternative. Clinique Stay-Matte Sheer Pressed Powder (£23.00) can certainly compete with it on quality, however, there’s no justifying paying nearly SIX TIMES the price. The Rimmel powder perfects your complexion, controls oil and keeps your makeup looking fresh all day whilst simultaneously allowing you to afford food – Amazing!


The pigmentation, durability and range of colours at the MAC counter make their eyeshadow incredibly appealing. However paying £12.50 for 1.5g of shadow is painful to say the least. Bourjois Little Round Pot (£6.99) eyeshadows are by far the best cheaper alternative (AND the company is secretly owned by Chanel so you can be assured they don’t skimp on quality).


Coming towards the end of the spectrum now and I have to openly admit that MAC, Benefit and NARS up their game when it comes to blush and bronzer. As difficult as it is to compete, Bourjois Little Round Pot Blusher (£7.99), Max Factor Miracle Touch Creamy Blusher (£6.99), Rimmel Natural Bronzer (£5.99) and Sleek Blush (£4.49 at Superdrug) definitely put up a fair effort and have some stunning results.


After having tried dozens of affordable foundations I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to wanting a flawless makeup base, splurging is the way to go. Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup (£24.00) is the only foundation I have ever tried that has not only looked gorgeous all day long but also prevented breakouts and MAC Studio Fix Fluid SPF 15 (£21.50) is also true to the hype. The quality of high-end foundations is worth the price you pay (and they do tend to last much longer than “high-street” alternatives if you need any further justification).


Edited by Ili Mustafa

I'm a second year English Language and Literature student at the University of Nottingham who is worryingly obsessed with organising and could spend an entire day in Boots comparing makeup and beauty products. Aside from this... I love a good night out, green tea, dogs, artsy fartsy films, cooking and being overly competitive in board games.
Sam is a Third Year at the University of Nottingham, England and Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham. She is studying English and would love a career in journalism or marketing (to name two very broad industries). But for now, her favourite pastimes include nightclubs, ebay, cooking, reading, hunting down new music, watching thought-provoking films, chatting, and attempting to find a sport/workout regime that she enjoys!