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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

When I saw that Aberdeen was one of the few places still selling tickets for Bastille’s Doom Days tour, me being the impulsive buyer I am, immediately brought myself a ticket and messaged my friend who’s at uni in Scotland to do the same. I was over the moon at the prospect of seeing one of my favourite bands live for the first time. The next day, after I’d slept on it, I thought my decision had been an idiotic one, considering Aberdeen is a nightmare to travel to. But as the date got closer, I decided to go along with it anyway and after having gone to the concert, I can safely say that was one of the best idiotic decisions I’ve ever made.

For the ones who have heard of Bastille, it’s most likely you’ve heard their most well-known song Pompeii, which is constantly played on nights out. More recently, they’ve become more well-known because of Dan, their lead singer, singing the song in this year’s John Lewis advert. My hatred for being late to events meant that me and my friend got there about twenty minutes early and we managed to get a great spot in the music hall. One thing that did take me by surprise as the hall filled up with the rest of the concert goers was the variety of people there. For some reason, I’d half expected the concert to be full of people my age but at the balcony seats, I saw families getting settled down, next to me and my friend were a couple our age and behind us were a group of middle aged ladies commenting about how they couldn’t wait to see Dan because he’s getting sexier with age (which is something I fully agree with). Once the concert actually began, the idea of age went out of the window and we all fangirled over the whole Doom Days album, especially when Dan came in the middle of the crowd to sing. It was hands down one of the best nights of my life and it was worth sweating in a crowd and travelling over 8 hours for. As me and my friend left the hall, still deep into the concert high you get after seeing your favourite band, I saw the merch table and saw something called Doom Days hot sauce for £15. Aside from seeing Dan with a shaved head, that was the other intriguing sight of the night. 

Rup Sharma

Nottingham '20

Rup is a final year English student at the University of Nottingham. In her spare time, she enjoys reading books, complaining about the price of cheese and going to comedy shows. For the future, she aspires to travel (a lot) and be in a job that pays her enough to adopt multiple dogs at once. She is a copy editor and blogger for HerCampus Nottingham magazine.