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Another one bites the dust: kissing frogs and finding “Mr Right”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.


So as I hung up the phone after another awkward, “we would be better as friends” conversation I inevitably wondered where I had gone wrong this time.  I was not surprised that I wasn’t crying into my pillows, running for the ice-cream or vowing never to love again. Because frankly, when you’re reduced to thinking about what you’re going to have for tomorrow’s breakfast during “intimate” moments you know it’s not going to go anywhere spectacular. Nevertheless I did find myself wondering how many more times this would happen.

Even when all I want is a bit of fun, I seem to be left in a state of dissatisfaction. The worst experience I had was after innocently inviting the good looking hunk with a nice haircut back to mine. After the obligatory trip to the bathroom to check that I still look vaguely okay, I heard him mutter the infamous words…”I’ve got a surprise for you.”  There he was, sporting one of my most girly, glittery and overtly female dresses. If ever there was a time I wanted the ground to open up and consume me, it was then. I mean, I’m all for self-expression but seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

So, whilst there are plenty of options out there, nobody seems to fit the bill. No matter how good looking a guy can be and no matter how much they are willing to shower you with attention you just can’t fancy them.  But more to the point, when you do find someone who makes you drool, they turn out to be the biggest tool since Brad left Jen!  I mean, it’s not like all of us are looking for a life-partner, two kids and a mortgage but with around half the world’s population being male (apparently according to Wikipedia it’s more than half – yippee!) surely there has got to be a man out there who is worth shaving our legs for?!


At least, this was my opinion about two weeks ago.  Sweet realisation dawned in the form of wise words from my mother, “you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your Prince” she patiently explained. After a short side-track about how even Princes can have frog like moments (presumably aimed at my Dad who has recently bestowed all of his affections on his latest hobby – beekeeping). She explained that it was okay to go out with a guy who spends more time on his hair than you, because it’s all part of the experience.

After much umming and ahhing I have decided that she was right. Enough is enough; it’s time for us girls to embrace our inner hippy and give love a chance!! And hey, it may not work out but what have you got to lose? You have all your life to find Mr Right but whilst you’re young, wrinkle free and can get away with wearing a pair of pants out to the nearest sticky floored nightclub it should all about kissing frogs and dating Mr Wrong.  So next time you’re heading out don’t rule out the weirdo in the corner, or the guy who dances like he’s been taking illegal substances since he came out of the womb, just give them a shot!!

Maddie studies American Studies at the University of Nottingham and is in her 4th year. She joined the Her Campus team on her year abroad at University of Illinois as a social media intern and now she and Anna are excited to open the University of Nottingham's chapter this September.