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6 Stages of the Student at the Start of Term- Illustrated by Gemma Collins

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Tears, tantrums and the turmoil of deadlines and revision. Sound familiar?

As a student, the start of term is by far one of the most depressing and testing times. With upcoming exams and deadlines, it is a month that is sure to make you reconsider your life in higher education.

But have no fear, you are not alone. Lets take a moment to appreciate the alter ego that is ‘GC’ as we identify the 6 stages of January.


1) The ‘I can’t wait to get back to uni to see everyone again’ stage.

Fresh faced and ready for the new term, you arrive back into your student town with open arms and in anticipation for the reunion with all your gals and pals for an absolute stellar term (whilst also sporting your freshest new garms and killer hair cut of course!)



2) The ‘I totally forgot to work and revise over the Christmas period’ stage.

It’s all fun and games returning back to your student life, but when you realise you actually have 3 essays to write, 2 exams to revise for and countless job applications to fill out, you decide that January is just not the month for you. Similar to alter-ego GC, despite telling your family and friends that this semester is going ‘brilliantly’ we all know that it is far from the truth.

3) The ‘I have spent the last 72 hours straight in Hallward’ stage.

You can’t even try to deny it. We’ve all been there. January just wouldn’t be the same without the long stints in the library, and what better way to fashion it than with a pair of sunglasses, as perfectly demonstrated by GC’s latest aesthetic.

4) The ‘all my deadlines are in and I completely smashed that exam’ stage.

Ok, so perhaps slightly ambitious, but even if you are unhappy with how an exam went, you can’t deny that first 5 minutes of glory when you walk out of your last exam and revision becomes a distant memory.


5) The ‘I’m the only person who has finished exams’ stage.

Pretty sure there is nothing as anti-climatic than finishing your exams and realising that you can’t even celebrate because all your mates are still in revision mode. Oh well, I guess I better just sit here and wait until I can have fun.


6) The ‘post-exam Ocean’ stage

Nothing says end of exams like taking a dip into Ocean and having yourself a well deserved VK (or  5) along with dancing to some classic spice girls tunes, and that all time Baywatch classic.

Edited by Lucy Jackman 







