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6 *not so scary* Halloween faves to watch this spooky season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

October 31st is fast approaching. And if you’re like me, then that means getting out the Halloween decorations, scouring the internet for the perfect costume (to then realise you totally can’t afford it) and forcing your housemates to endure a spooky movie marathon every other night. However, if you’re out of inspo on what to watch this spooky season fear not – I’ve got you covered.

Now you might be expecting this list to contain movies of the likes of Friday the 13th, Halloween, and The Conjuring (which are all great) but not everyone enjoys the heaviness of a classic horror but rather something a little more light-hearted. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for a good horror – but sometimes you just want to watch something a little less on the gore and guts and a little more on the pumpkins and magic… so here are a few of my personal favourites!

1. Hocus Pocus (1993)

An absolute classic, this 1993 movie featuring the likes of Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy follows the story of a young boy in Salem who accidentally awakes the Sanderson sisters where of course, trouble ensues. If you haven’t seen this already – what have you been doing all this time?!

2. Coraline (2009)

This one might be a bit controversial, as I know many people actually find this film terrifying! Nonetheless, it’s a childhood favourite of mine and is sure to get you into the eery mood. This 2009 LAIKA animated movie based on the novella by Neil Gaiman is a dark fantasy story about a girl called Coraline who moves into a new block of apartments with her parents, only to find a hidden door which takes her to an alternate version of her life with a sinister twist.

3. Monster House (2006)

As well as being one of the most unapologetically recognisable Halloween movies there is, Monster House is genuinely hilarious and is sure to give you a great laugh. The story follows three teenagers who decide to take down the infamous monster house across the road – it’s truly iconic.

4. Coco (2017)

If you’re looking for a colourful feel-good Halloween movie – you’re in luck! The 2018 Pixar movie is sure to pull at your heartstrings. It follows the life of Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy who aspires to be a musician. On the traditional Day of the Dead holiday celebrated in Mexico, Miguel stumbles upon the Land of the Dead and embarks on an adventure to discover the history behind his family.

5. Hotel Transylvania (2012)

I know there have been a lot of kid’s movies so far – but you’re never too old to enjoy Hotel Transylvania. Vampires, mummies, Frankenstein, werewolves – all classic Halloween tropes, what more could you want?

6. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Although Harry Potter isn’t the obvious choice for an October movie night, Prisoner of Azkaban really does bring the Halloween feel (with the likes of werewolves and witches of course). Like a warm fuzzy hug, Harry Potter is great during the autumn and winter months.

No matter how you like to spend the weeks coming up to Halloween – whether it be going on themed club nights with your mates or staying in and getting your sweets fix, spending time relaxing and watching a movie is a sure-fire way to get you into the spooky spirit.  

Laura Batten

Nottingham '23

My name is Laura - Social Media Editor and EDI Officer at HC University of Nottingham. I am a third year student studying English Language and Literature with an unhealthy obsession with cats, coffee and travel!