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4 Reasons Why You Should Take a Social Media Detox

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Sometimes life can start to become overwhelming which in many ways can be enhanced by social media. Although social media is a useful tool to have, for example, it helps maintain relationships with friends and family members who live far away, and provides key entertainment, it is still important that we all take a break from it from time to time. 

A couple of years ago I had never really thought about taking a break or managing my time so that I wasn’t constantly on my phone. However, when doing coursework and exams I decided to try it, and it seemed to help the way I dealt with my stress levels in significant ways. Even a couple of hours off your phone each day can have a massive positive impact on the state of your mental health. 

Focus and productivity

One thing social media is particularly good at is causing procrastination. When trying to do work, it is easy to end up mindlessly scrolling through on your phone which can often lead to tiredness and not returning to the original task. Therefore, when doing work or a task, putting your phone to one side can help deter procrastination, until you finish what you are doing. Additionally, this can help open up your mind, causing you to think of ideas which may not have been thought of prior. 

This break can help increase productivity. Personally, scrolling through posts on apps such as Tok-tok can start as a mild distraction, however, it then becomes a consistent distraction, which has sometimes led to a lack of productivity. One thing I used to prevent this and keep me completely off my phone was an app called ‘Forest.’ When using this app, you can set a timer and plant trees which die if you leave the app. For me, this app has helped a lot, as it was a new, fresh way to deter me from going on my phone, and it almost feels like you are creating something new with the plants. 

Help improve self-esteem:

Another thing which can be an issue with social media is the constant unrealistic expectations which are set which has a massive toll on people’s confidence. When on apps, such as Instagram, sometimes when scrolling through the feed it can look like other people are living the ‘perfect life.’ It is also filled with influences with the idealised body and face. Therefore, seeing this regularly can cause people to compare, and belittle themselves. 

Having a break from seeing all of this can help improve self-esteem. This is because there wouldn’t be the consistent pressure to look exactly like our favourite social media influencers do and see what others are doing when you could be having a chill day at home. Sometimes social media can hold so much pressure, which sets an unrealistic lifestyle. 

Improve your sleep schedule:

It has been proven that using your phone just before bed can cause a lack of sleep. I have encountered so many times where I can’t sleep, so I would pull out my phone and scroll through it, but honestly, this makes it worse. One thing to try is putting your phone away at least thirty minutes before heading to sleep. Instead of going on your phone, something to try is reading a book, or doing something peaceful before sleeping, that way you can unwind and relax your mind. 

Sleep is something which everyone needs, so even doing something like this can help other points like improving productivity, as you may not be as tired. 

Help real-life friendships:

Taking a break from social media can have a significant effect on your friendships in real life. For example, it may cause people to put more of an effort in with one another. Additionally, it may be good to both take a break from social media together and spend the day together without your phones. This would cause attention to be on one another, where the friendship can expand and focus purely on one another. 

With all these points in mind, taking a break from social media occasionally can have substantial benefits. It doesn’t have to be a long break, but even a couple of hours a day can have a positive influence and outlook on your lifestyle!

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Cara Meikle

Nottingham '24

My names Cara, I am in third year and studying English with Creative Writing.