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Why Your Notre Dame Friends Are Your Actual BFFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

BFF.  We are all familiar with this popular acronym. “Best Friends Forever” is a phrase our generation has been throwing around since junior high. By now, we’ve all probably had hundreds of BFFs.

No doubt, I consider my Notre Dame girlfriends my BFFs. But not in the light sense of how I used the acronym in seventh grade to describe the girl who sat next to me (to be honest, I can’t even remember who it was, but let me tell you, she was definitely my BFF).

One of my closet friends visited this weekend and it got me thinking: there’s something special about your Notre Dame friends. These are the girls that make us the happiest. Through thick and thin, they will stand by our side. We can always count on them for a laugh and good time. These are the girls we will still talk to 25+ years from now.

It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing that distinguishes them from all the rest. Here are twelve reasons why your fellow lady Domers are your actual BFFs.

1. You feel like you have known each other your entire lives.

The funny thing is you’ve known each other two or three years, and some even less than a year. The fact that you could become so close that quickly is a sure sign of true friendship. You learned things about each other that take other friends years and years. But something just clicked and now you can’t even imagine not knowing each other – it’s hard to believe there was life before these ladies.

2. Separation has no effect on how close you are.

Three months of summer or a semester abroad can’t break your friendship. The moment you see each other again, you pick up right where you left off—it’s like you went only a day without seeing each other. We take this for granted, but really it’s not true of all friendships. You’re able to catch each other up and move forward almost instantly.

3. You have loads of blackmail on each other.

All the dirt you have on each other is obviously forcing you to stay lifelong friends. Ha, just kidding. But, in all seriousness, you are the only ones who know all the juicy deets about each other—all the guilty pleasures, weird habits, secret crushes, etc. Everything you swore to yourself you wouldn’t share with anyone, you trusted them with. 

4. You’ve seen each other at your absolute worst.

After rough nights at Feve, terrible test grades, broken ankles, mood swings, they’ve seen you at your lowest lows. Through the tears and all, you are still friends. You have no doubt you’ll stay that way no matter what happens. 

5. And at your absolute best.

Whether you were killing it on the dance floor or giving an A+ presentation in class, they were there. You have seen each other be the best that you can—and that’s because you feel your best around each other. When something awesome happens, they’re the first group chat you hit up. 

6. They are your makeshift family during the school year.

You take care of each other. With your mom, dad, and siblings across the country, your ND friends are your family. They sneak you food from the DH when you’re sick, let you crash on their futon, clean up after you, and edit your essays. They are your nightly dinner dates, workout buddies, and lecturers here and there (though, they aren’t as harsh as mom and dad).

7. They’re actually cheering for you 100%.

High school friends were always competing against each other—for the best grades, most friends, trendiest outfits, and hottest Homecoming dates. Your ND friends are your own personal cheerleaders. You genuinely want the best for each other.

8. No one else can appreciate all of South Bend’s finest establishments.

Who else can appreciate the true greatness of CJ’s, Fever, and Meijer? Only people who have lived through it. 

9. No one else understands why you love ND so much.

We are all obsessed with Notre Dame. It’s a love that you can’t explain to anyone who’s not a Domer. The football games, glistening Dome, dorm pride, and chills during the Alma Mater—these are things that only you share with each other.

10. They are not high maintenance.

This is actually so underrated. Granted, we all have our moments, but it doesn’t take a lot for your ND friends to be content. You can all cram into a Howard Johnson hotel room, consider Chipotle a 5-star meal, and wear the same outfit twice in a row. They’re just real. 

11. The stupidest decisions of your life have been made with them.

What were you thinking? My friends and I have asked ourselves this millions of times. We have made some stupid choices, to say the least. But we’ve bonded over our idiotic decisions. We’re the only ones who understand the “genius” behind our thought process.

12. And in totally irony to #11, you’ve matured together. 

College forces all of us to grow up. Living on our own, choosing our major, joining new clubs and even going on dates have helped each of us grow. We’ve learned from our mistakes and our successes, and these have been the people by our side. Growing up together brings you closer than anything.



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My name is Kit Loughran. I'm a junior Marketing and Journalism double-major at Notre Dame.