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Why do we wish at 11:11?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

This past Wednesday was 11/11. Not only is 11/11 a fun date to write in your notes during class, but it can also be argued as a day during which you get unlimited wishes for 24 hours. This is because of a current trend to make a wish everytime it’s “11:11”. Normally, we wait until 11:11 AM or 11:11 PM to cash in our wishes. These could be wishes for anything: to do well on an upcoming test, to see someone that you haven’t seen in a long time, or even to meet your soulmate.



This is a phenomenon we now take for granted, but why do we make wishes at 11:11? What is the significance of those numbers, and why do associate them with a time to make wishes come true?

The most prevalent reason that we associate elevens or the alignment of ones with wish-making comes from numerology. In numerology, the number 11 is regarded as a very important entity in creating synchronicity in our lives. It is associated with idealism, intuition, and revelation, and it is believed to carry psychic vibrations, bestowing people with heightened psychic awareness.


The prescence of 11:11 can also be viewed as a way of connecting the past present, and future, making us one with the universe and the entirety of human existence. From a numerical perspective, deriatives of 11:11, such as 111 or 11, occur repeatedly throughout tim eand thus act as a metaphor for reality of patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. Some view 11:11 as a sort of portal of “multi-diminisional bridge” that connects us to the spiritual world, thus making it a time when wishes can be made true. It can also be a time to connect with your subconcious or inner self.

Some people claim that they begin to see the numbers 11:11 everywhere. These sighting are regarded to be signs from your subconcious, the universe, or the spiritual world. Whether you believe these theories or not, they certainly help explain why 11:11 is the specific time (and/or date) that people have chosen as a good time for wish-making.

Another take on the significance of 11:11 is simply choosing a time to slow down and appreaciate the miracle and wonder of the day. I personally like to use 11:11 as a reminder to pray. Sometimes we get so bogged down by our hectic school, work and social schedules that we forget what a joy and gift it is to be alive. There are so many amazing things taking place all the time if we take the time to notice them, like the way we take the time to notice that all the numbers on the twelve hour clock will be exactly the same twice a day.

So next time it’s 11:11, feel free to make a wish, make a prayer, or simply contemplate the mystery and beauty of life in this crazy but awesome universe. 

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Katie Surine

Notre Dame

Katie is a senior (where did the time go???!!!) living in Lewis Hall. From Baltimore, MD, Katie is pursuing a double major in Vocal Music and Anthropology. Besides writing for HCND, she sings with Opera Notre Dame, choral groups, and she is a pianist for Lewis Hall weekly Mass and Lucenarium, or "Luce" for short. Other interests include baking, reading, traveling, composing, and all things Italian.