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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

This holiday season, the Griswold family wishes that all of you…

Find the perfect Christmas tree 

Whether it’s driving out to the middle of nowhere to chop down, or yank out of the ground the perfect tree, or just driving to your local Christmas tree farm, getting the perfect tree is an important family tradition. What’s better than trudging through the snow looking at tree after tree which all look the same just to end up getting the first one you looked at? Happy picking! 


Enjoy old family videos of past Christmases 

Put on your fur coat, your best gloves and snuggle up to watch some old home videos. (Hat optional) Relive your favorite memories from Christmas and admire just how cute you were and think to yourself how you wish you still wanted Barbies and Polly Pockets for Christmas. 

Do lots and lots of sledding 

Fire up the old saucer, or a pizza pan if you’ve got one, bring out the PAM and get ready to fly down the hill to finish up some shopping at Wal-Mart! The snow season is not complete without sledding, so even if you’ve got a piece of government plastic in your head, put on your helmet and get ready to sled. 


Spend time with all of your cousins whom you love so much 

The holiday season brings families together, which could result in some unexpected relatives. Even if you haven’t seen them in a while, and can’t figure out what in the heck brought them to your house for the holidays, bond over some eggnog and grocery shopping, and they might just go out and get you exactly what you wished for this Christmas. 


Get into the Christmas spirit with a few Christmas lights 

You never want to be that house on your block that looks like they are anti-Christmas and chooses not to celebrate. Now not everyone has the motivation like Clark Griswold, but you definitely need to show some Holiday spirit with a strand or 2. So hop on your ladder, try not to staple your shirt to the roof, and whatever you do, do NOT fall off the ladder, it will only please your neighbors even more. 


Support your favorite team 

Sports don’t stop for Christmas, so throw on your favorite jersey and cheer on your favorite team. (Ahem, The Blackhawks) 


Get all of your holiday shopping done

Head to the over-crowded, 90 degree shopping malls and get ready to literally shop ‘til you drop. You’re bound to find the perfect something for that special someone, and the sales people are always so willing to help…


Keep your carpet dry  

Ice or wine, hopefully nothing gets you asking “Why is the carpet all wet Todd?” this holiday season. Nobody wants to spend Christmas Eve scrubbing red wine out of their carpet now do they?  


Say Grace with your family, even if she did pass away 30 years ago

Sometimes older relatives can be a bit forgetful, so just go with the flow. If you ask them to say Grace before dinner and they’d rather say the Pledge of Allegiance, you stand up, salute your country and be the best darn American you can be.  


Try something new     


Back to the old relatives, sometimes things get put where they’re not supposed to be. If you encounter a Jell-o mold with cat food on it this Holiday season, give it a fair shot. You’ll never know until you try right? However, eating around the cat food is strongly recommended.


Eat a delicious Christmas dinner  

Thanksgiving is the holiday for turkey, so if your turkey goes wrong this Christmas, don’t be worried. You’ve still got a whole Jell-o mold with cat food to eat!  



Get everything you wish for 

Whatever it is on your Christmas list this year, I hope you get it all! 


…and celebrate the Holidays like a true American!

Therese Burke is a Saint Mary’s College Contributor to Her Campus Notre Dame.


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