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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I saw this post the other day on Facebook and have never heard something described so accurately:


image above: https://me.me/i/hannah-hannahfallshand-ndian-going-to-school-inbetween-t…

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a mad dash to the finish line for most college students. We were lulled into a false sense of rest and comfort while we took a couple days off of school, ate way too much food, and spent some much needed time with our families, but then we get back to campus and realize just how many projects, papers, and exams we have left. If you’re like me, you just want it to be over with so you can go home and watch all 8 Harry Potter movies.


This year, however, is different because I’m going abroad next semester. I won’t be seeing some of my friends for at least five months and won’t be seeing some of my senior friends who will graduate while I’m abroad for even longer. The roommate that I’ve had and loved since Freshman year won’t be my roommate after this semester. She’s moving off campus senior year and I’m choosing to remain on campus. These are the last few days we’ll be sleeping under the same roof and the finality of that really hits hard. As much as I’m looking forward to being home with my family, I also am trying to treasure the moments I have here.


The late nights in the library with friends, the weekly dinners I get with my roommate, choir rehearsals, and my radio show are all things that I’ve learned to really appreciate as I realize that they are little, but very special moments that I won’t get back. Whenever I find myself tempted into wishing it could be December 15th when all of my finals will be done and I can go home, I stop and remind myself that this time is important. That wishing it away will not make home come faster and that next semester I’ll be in Spain wishing I could have that time back.

Images above from author

Too often, people (myself included) tend to wish for the future without enjoying the present. These last few weeks have made me hyper aware of the time I have now and for that, I’m so incredibly grateful. In the words of Ben Rector:


“I used to worry about the future, but the future never came

Tried livin’ in the past, but never did quite feel the same

I used to think that there was a place I would rather be

‘Til I got there enough times to realize that you are only ever here


You are only ever here. Each moment of the day is a gift even if those moments are stressful or sad or messy. Each moment is a gift if those moments are joyful or wonderful or hilarious. Each moment is a gift regardless. To wish the time away is a disservice to myself and to the people who I love and spend time with. So yes, I’m stressed and yes, I’m really looking forward to Christmas and spending a month at home, but I’m also going to enjoy every moment I have left on campus.


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Claire Stanecki

Notre Dame '20

A senior at Notre Dame studying Anthropology and Spanish, Claire is an avid reader, choral music enthusiast, adventure seeker, tea aficionado, and Chicago native.