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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.


With the infamous cold underway in South Bend, staying warm while walking to class seems to be an impossible task. The subzero temperatures predicted for next week are dreadful to think about! Besides staying in your dorm, wrapped up in a million blankets with a hot drink, here are some ways to avoid freezing at Notre Dame.

Smart layering! Layering long sleeved shirts and sweaters can be fashionable and effective in keeping warm, especially if your classrooms are hot and you don’t want to be uncomfortable. Wearing leggings underneath your pants is another way to protect yourself from the horrendous windchill. However, you should only wear one pair of socks, as more layers in tight-fitting shoes could cut off circulation, making you feel colder.


Keep your hands warm! Any covering is better than nothing, but mittens are the better option. If you’re especially susceptible to the cold, hand warmers are the way to go. The Huddle is a great place to stock up on hand warmers, as Flex Point balances have renewed for the semester.


Hats and scarves! Keeping your head and face warm is super important, especially when temperatures dip into the negatives. Prolonged exposure to sub-zero weather can lead to skin damage, so keeping your face covered is a necessity in the winter. The Hammes Bookstore sells winter gear with the school logo on it, but buying online is also a smart way to shop.


Invest in a good coat. You might see lots of Canada Goose coats around campus, and for good reason! Although you don’t need a name brand coat to stay warm, a proper coat is an essential for surviving in South Bend. Department stores have great selections if you would like to try on beforehand, but online stores may have better deals. Keep an eye out for coats with warm hoods as well, as forecasts show that snow will be making lots of appearances over the next few weeks.


Give yourself extra time to get to class. Ice on the sidewalks is a common occurrence, and no one seems to be immune to wiping out. To be safe and avoid slipping, leave some time to walk cautiously to DeBart for your 8:20.

Stay hydrated with hot drinks. Now is the perfect time for hot tea and coffee from locations on campus! Holding hot drinks keeps your hands warm, and drinking them feels even better. Cafes in academic buildings are great places to buy from if you’re already out and about, but making tea or coffee in your dorm is a more efficient way to get through the day.


Set your room temperature to be comfortable. There is nothing better than the feeling of coming back to a warm room after a long day of classes. Keeping the thermostat at a comfortable temperature can make your room that much more welcoming. In addition, make sure your windows are closed – the outside air can make your room less comfortable, and, in some cases, even freeze the pipes.


Stay safe and stay warm everyone!


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Lillie Renck

Notre Dame '22

A junior at Notre Dame studying Psychology and Economics, Lillie is a native Long Islander who enjoys pink drinks from Starbucks and great pictures of sunsets.