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Sugar, Spice, and Everything Science: Erin Kapala

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Don’t let her Polish genetics fool you–this Campus Cutie is Irish at heart. Read more to discover what makes this lovely lass tick!

The Basics:

Hometown:  Royal Oak, Michigan

Dorm: Welsh Fam

Major: Chemical Engineering (a.k.a. Potions)

Relationship Status: Extremely single ( I tried to think of something funny. But I’m just single).

Class: 2017

Digging Deeper:

Why did you choose to submit yourself to four years of Chemical Engineering induced affliction?

I wanted to do something that was challenging. I think it’s worth it if it makes me work hard. Tbh, I just want to make the perfect eyeliner.

If you could only listen to one musical artist/band for the rest of your life, who would it be?

Can I make a hybrid? Like a Hozier/Mumford & Sons megaband + a little Amy Winehouse?

Why didn’t you ever finish watching Breaking Bad?

So, I accidentally watched the second half of the last season thinking it was the entire season… I was waiting for an explanatory flashback the whole time. By the time I was done, I was not mentally or emotionally prepared to go back and watch the earlier episodes.

Who should Rory have ended up with on Gilmore Girls?

Ohhh gosh… again I don’t think I’m mentally or emotionally prepared to answer this question. [45 seconds of pensive silence] Definitely not Dean, but I think she needed to find someone that had qualities of all of them.

What was the most rewarding part your SSLP at the Boys & Girls Club of South Bend and what did you learn from it?

I took over the science programming and did experiments with the kids. I was afraid they weren’t going to want to do science because it was summertime, but after a while kids starting coming up to me saying, “Ms. Erin I can’t wait to do your experiments!” It’s all about being a role model for the kids and not just showing up when it’s convenient for you, because the kids need stability.

What would your perfect date entail?

A fun date would be making dinner together –like if we went grocery shopping together and then cooked it. And then we would get married. Don’t put that.

Where do you draw your fashion inspiration from?

I wanna say my mom…which I don’t think either of us really feel okay with. We just end up having very similar fashion taste. We’re slowly getting the same wardrobe.

Besides your exemplary roommate, what part of Notre Dame do you love the most?

Mediterranean night.

What’s one of your most memorable childhood experiences?

Somehow my oldest brother convinced me to get into a very large box. I thought everything was gonna be fine. Then he taped it up and put me on the side of the road. For a considerable amount of time.

Quick Picks:

Moms or Rom Coms?

I mean I love my mom… [see above]

New Year’s Eve or Halloween?

New Year’s Eve.

Beyoncé or a fiancé?

Beyoncé. At least at this point of my life. Actually that’s a lie I’d rather have a fiancé. But I’m not ready to get married. [nervous laughter]

London or Dublin?


Baseball or Rand Paul?


Matt or Ben?

If you had asked me last year, I’d have said Ben Affleck, but now, I choose Matt Damon, because I’m not ’bout them cheaters.

Any final remarks?

Stop bothering me.

There you have it! Swing by Welsh Fam sometime and you might find that you and this cutie have some ~chemistry~.


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Madeline is a Junior Computer Science & Psychology dual-degree student from a farm in Iowa. When she's not studying in her Welsh Fam dorm room, she enjoys eating overpriced chips and salsa from the Huddle, practicing for a non-existent "American Idol" audition on her ukulele, and spending an embarrassing amount of time searching for a new Netflix series to commit to.