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Rain, Rain Go Away, Spring Style is here to Stay

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.


“Rain, Rain Go Away, Spring Style is here to Stay.”

If you’ve looked at the forecast for Notre Dame recently, you’ve probably noticed we are in for some showers here in South Bend. Though it is better than winter’s snow and harsh wind, what is a girl supposed to wear in the spring when the ground is caked in mud and the rain seems to never end?

Try these 5 Tips for Rainy Weather Fashion!

1. Brighten up your basics

Instead of the standard black, try a raincoat in a spring color like pink or green. Do the same for your boots. If you don’t feel like buying a whole new pair of boots, pick out some fun socks that will peek out the tops of your old ones.

2. Have fun with your umbrella

Pick something unique that shows off your personality. Just make sure it’s small enough to tuck away for when the sun finally comes out! Kids umbrellas can be super fun and are usually cheaper too! (Be sure your umbrella is wind resistant, though!)

3. Ditch the boots

Rain boots can feel clunky when the air is warm, but you still don’t want to ruin your flats. Rain skimmers, like these from Chantal, are a good compromise of practicality and style. They’re much less bulky than a pair of rubber boots, and they will still keep your feet dry.

4. Wear layers

Do you ever start freezing the moment you step outside, but by the time you get to class you look and feel like you just finished a midsummer workout? Don’t tuck away your sweaters and cardigans just yet. Leave the lighter ones on hand for now. They are perfect for throwing on under your jacket and taking off once you get to class.

5. Style your hair

Chances are you’re hair will get at least a little wet if it’s raining outside. Avoid a frizz catastrophe by pulling your hair back in the morning. Anything will work from a classic ponytail to a sleek bun or messy fishtail braid.



Julia is a junior IT Management major from Minneapolis. When she isn't making spreadsheets in Excel, Julia can usually be found perusing antique shops, redecorating her dorm room, or speaking with a beautiful Minnesotan accent.
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Katie Fusco

Notre Dame

A senior English and American Studies double major at the University of Notre Dame, Katie is passionate about media, education, and public history.