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Rachel Davis ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Meet Rachel Davis, one of the coolest Minnesotans to walk the campus of Notre Dame!

Fast Facts

Name: Rachel Ann Davis

Nickname: Raq Attack

Hometown: Chanhassen, Minnesota (I like to call it “Chan-happenin’ because it’s so happenin’ in the suburbs.)

Dorm:  Breen-Philips (Emphasis on the “B” for “best” and “P” for “place” on campus!)

Major: Management Entrepreneurship

Year: Freshman

Clubs/Activities: Freshman Class Council, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Building Tomorrow, Habitat for Humanity, BP Meal Auction Committee, and Minnesota Club 

Favorite Quote: “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have loved. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” – Nelson Mandela (2002)

Now on to the fun stuff…

What is your most prized possession?

It’s technically not a possession, I guess, but I’m going to have to go with my dog Hunter. He’s adorable and I’m obsessed with him. I miss him so much!

What is your favorite thing to do on campus?

I love walking around campus after the first fresh snowfall. I walk around the lakes or walk to the Grotto and admire how beautiful and special this place is!

If you had to choose someone to play you in a movie, who would it be and why?

My girl Jennifer Lawrence because she cracks me up, she’s fabulous, and she loves food like a true BP Babe!

If you could wake up in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do?

Without a doubt I’d choose Beyoncé. She’s fierce, crazy-talented, and I love everything she stands for. Plus, it would be nice to not be tone deaf for a day. And what would I do? I would use those hips.

What are you most proud of?

One of the things I’m most proud of in general is being a Domer at Notre Dame especially what the community and values stand for and how it’s affecting me as a person. In a wider sense, I would say I’m most proud of myself when I make other people better off or I help others in general.

Favorite restaurant?

I could live off Flapjack 49’ers at the Original Pancake House.

Describe the weirdest (or most memorable) experience you had during Frosh-O weekend.

Either Domerfest as a whole–enough said–or the time I fell down a flight of stairs at Zahm that one weekend. That was definitely one of the worst times.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Scandal and Harry Styles.

Minnesota Club has a huge presence on campus. What’s up with all the Minnesota pride?

Honestly…I’m not entirely sure. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Minnesota and I love the concept of “Minnesota Nice,” but I was very shocked when I came to campus. Minnesotans here know the Minnesota state beverage and muffin because they’re that passionate (PS: It’s milk and blueberry.).

What is your favorite ND tradition?

I love trying to push people onto the God Quad grass and watch them freak out and have to kiss the grass if they touch it! On a more serious note, I also love singing the Alma Mater and swaying with all the Notre Dame alumni, current students, and future Domers at football games. It’s such an amazing, special experience.

Thanks for the interview, Rachel! 


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Images provided by the interviewee.

Hey, I'm Claire! I'm a sophomore at Notre Dame majoring in psychology with minors in journalism and business economics. I'm from Peoria, Illinois (no, it's actually not a suburb of Chicago!) and if you know where that is, we're probably going to become best friends. I'm a self-proclaimed Starbucks addict, social media connoisseur, and a proud advocate of the (not so) occasional Netflix binge. I'm a proud Breen-Phillips Babe and so #blessed to be a part of the Notre Dame community. Go Irish!