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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I’ve been feeling a little off recently so dove down the dark rabbit hole of pinterest to make myself feel better and found some really comforting and inspiring quotes. I’ve picked a few of my favorites in hopes that if you’ve been feeling off too, they will comfort you as well.


Photo 1: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10211039510938260&set=a.1868241000316&type=3&theater


These are some of the most beautiful and most unique ways to say I love you. The first one is my personal favorite. I like the word “honor” and the idea that knowing the people we know is truly a miracle. It also makes me think about all of the people I could have met had I been born at a different time or a different place or had taken a slightly different path. It makes my head spin, but in a good way.



Photo 2: https://fbfreestatus.blogspot.com/2017/01/stephen-king-quotes.html

Ah Stephen King, you genius, you. Recently I’ve been realizing that me and most of my friends get frustrated if we’re not immediately good at something, which is weird right? Everyone has to start somewhere, but I think that our generation sees things on social media that are perfect or beautiful and then gets upset when we cannot produce the same results. Life is a process and there is no magic way to pick up a new skill. So simply start and aim to continue improving after that.


Photo 3:https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/5d/8e/db5d8e9295237b81fb9ecba073d11853.jpg


As someone studying abroad and far from my culture, family, and friends, I am trying to make a new home here in Spain. I’m trying to remind myself that home is wherever I hang my heart at the end of the day. I can choose where I hang my heart and I’m desperately trying to hang it here in Spain.


Photo 4: https://www.toneitup.com/lifestyle/words-to-slay-by/?crlt.pid=camp.cfkgz90GBpYH

Yes. Do it. Go for it. Be brave and unstoppable. Move mountains.

Photo 5: https://pampensiero.blogspot.com/2006/11/simple-life.html

I’ve learned recently that I’m happiest when living simply. Not stressing about money or appearances but just living a calm life among those who value the worth of everyday.


Photo 6: https://www.deseretnews.com/top/1628/0/27-of-the-best-J-R-R-Tolkien-quotes.html


J.R.R. Tolkien’s right- it’s very dangerous business to walk out the front door but isn’t that the best part? That you never know what the day will bring. The unplanned miracles that can be waiting for you are worth the danger and uncertainty.


Photo 7: http://wordables.com/j-r-r-tolkiens-top-10-tips-for-living-a-meaningful-life/

Okay, yes I really like Lord of the Rings. How could you tell? But this is my favorite quote of all time. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. This quote simultaneously calms me down and reminds me that life is precious and that we have a limited number of breaths. I’m not really sure how I can be both calmed and reminded of my own mortality, but that’s part of why this quote is so special.


Anyway, I hope you enjoyed at least one of those quotes. I hope you’re staying warm during the polar vortex and if you go stir crazy, a little trip down pinterest never hurts.


Claire Stanecki

Notre Dame '20

A senior at Notre Dame studying Anthropology and Spanish, Claire is an avid reader, choral music enthusiast, adventure seeker, tea aficionado, and Chicago native.