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Pros and Cons of a Weekend Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

All I have to do is mention “Sunday class” and most people know what I’m talking about: Fr. Malloy’s Literature Seminar. It is one of the only, if not the only Sunday night class. When I first got my schedule, I was not very happy about having class on a Sunday for several reasons, but I have also come to realize that it has some perks — enough to make me think that weekend classes should become an option. The pros and cons below will highlight what it’s like having class six days a week.

Pro: (Forced) Productivity.

Having a Sunday class means that I can’t participate in the wild shenanigans that is Club Hes on a Sunday evening. But, because I know that I can’t do that anymore, I’m forced to be more productive during the week so that I will have little to no weekday homework to do during the weekend. Then, all I have to do is worry about my Sunday night homework, and I’m done. Sure, the productivity is forced, but whatever works, right?

Con: No Sunday night cram session.

If I had a dollar for every time I missed a Sunday night group study session, I might be able to get all my flex points back. At least for this semester, I cannot partake in the great Notre Dame (and college in general) tradition of doing all of my homework on a Sunday evening. I’m sure I’ll get to do this next semester, and probably also hate myself for procrastinating.

Pro: Less stressful weeks.

When I was comparing schedules with my friends at the beginning of the semester, I was shocked at how many classes they had on a given day. Having a class on the weekend frees up my school week a little more, because now I don’t have to go to a lecture at all during the week, just once on the weekend. This is probably the biggest perk of a weekend class.

Con: More stressful weekends.

It follows that a less stressful week would mean a more stressful weekend. While many of my friends are out having fun on Friday and Saturday nights, I’m usually writing an essay for my class. Oh well, it’s worth it.

Pro: Easily return to a studying mindset.

Sunday night class is like a warm up for the coming week. Sometimes if weekends are too relaxing or fun it’s hard to get back into the working mindset. Again, it’s kind of forced on you, but a weekend class helps you get back in the zone.

Con: Classes six days a week.

Yeah…this one is pretty self-explanatory. Although I did read that some countries do have six day school weeks, so props to those students for surviving.

Con: Breaking the Sabbath/Missing dorm mass.

This one really depends on how religious you are, but weekend classes kind of break the whole day-of-rest thing. And if you’re part 80% Catholic population on campus, you’ll probably be missing dorm mass.

Weekend classes might not be for everyone, but my Sunday seminar has definitely made me consider the ups and downs to having class just one more day a week. What do you think? Should Notre Dame consider offering more weekend classes?

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¡Hola! I'm Victoria Erdel, a sophomore Sociology major and TESOL minor at the University of Notre Dame. I've lived in Portugal and Indiana, and I occasionally visit my family in Ecuador. I can't wait to expand my interests in college. I enjoy writing (obviously), reading, and eating.  Go Irish!