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PrismND: On ND and the LGQBT Community

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

One of the Church’s most prominent and frequently debated contemporary issues is its stance to the LGBTQ community. Notre Dame’s position as a Catholic campus certainly amplifies these issues and our position as Christians forces us to question our views, assumptions, and attitudes towards students who identify as LGQBT.

Prism ND, created in 2013, serves as both a resource on important LGBTQ issues and as a space for students to engage in thoughtful dialogue on the issues and experiences of LGBTQ students.

Shannon Connolly, a sophomore and member of PrismND, Notre Dame’s officially recognized LGBTQ group, said there is definitely misunderstanding on LGBTQ students and the variety of social stigmas and issues they encounter.

“The LGBTQ community isn’t just about marriage equality. It’d be great if people could recognize that we’re a pretty diverse community.”

However, Connolly also stressed that she has also encountered positive attitudes from the ND community. “On the other hand, there are countless students from every background who do a lot to help us. I love it when fellow students ask about what it means to be LGBT or what it’s like. I love it when students ask what they can do to help. I especially love it when people say they’re glad that we’re here, and all the above happens a fair amount,” Connolly said.

As a member of Prism ND’s spirituality committee, Cnonolly said the spiritual retreats helped facilitate life for LGBTQ identifying students at Notre Dame. “Personally, I care a lot about the LGBT retreat and the prayer services we put out, because I think we have a place in the Catholic Church,” Connolly said.

I was also fortunate enough to be granted an interview with PRISM ND officers Bryan Ricketts and Lily Crawford regarding Prism ND and its role in creating an inclusive environment on campus.

What are your roles in PrismND?

The role of the officers in PrismND is to encourage and support the members of Notre Dame’s LGBTQ community, to facilitate the creation of programming, and to guide the organization as laid out in our constitution and Beloved Friends and Allies. PrismND is founded in the Catholic teaching of the dignity of the human person and strives to make this known to the entire student body.  

How would you describe the reception of the LGBTQ community on campus?

Notre Dame has made great strides in adopting the plan of Beloved Friends and Allies. Openly caring for its LGBTQ students is essential to creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment. Thankfully, this has allowed campus climate to move in a direction of respect. We continue to work towards an improvement of campus education about the experiences of LGBTQ individuals, as lack of knowledge continues to be a stumbling block,”  Ricketts and Crawford said. “We hope that Notre Dame students strive to be allies, by dedicating themselves to providing a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment and committing to understanding the experiences of LGBTQ individuals here.”

What are some of PrismND’s signature events?

PrismND’s activities this year continue the conversations we started last year through events like Stand Against Hate Week, as well as facilitate social spaces (like at the Welcome Back Picnic earlier this year). We strive to create a safe space through all of our events, meetings, and programs and make sure that everyone feels welcome and included here. We want to combat the negative feelings students might have and ensure that Notre Dame can be a home for everyone.

What are some of PrismND’s goals for 2014?

PrismND this year is focusing on the creation of community among our members and facilitating a Catholic respect for the dignity of all people. We are also striving to create strong allies among the student body through educational initiatives and general awareness.

For more on LGBTQ at Notre Dame, follow the HCND Pinterest account, pin with us, and remember to keep posted with HCND on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook!

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I'm a junior in Pasquerilla East Hall and am majoring in PLS and Political Science. I hail from Bayamon, Puerto Rico and as a result I wholeheartedly believe that depictions of Hell should involve snow instead of heat. In my free time I write, watch shows like Doctor Who/Steven Universe, read as many articles from EveryDay Feminism as humanly possible, and binge Nostalgia Chick on youtube.