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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

There are a lot of classes this university doesn’t offer because we are a very practical and highly rigorous school. That being said, they should offer these:

How to Dance

It’s not just me. I admit it – whenever I go to a formal I am hyper-aware that I have less rhythm than the latest obnoxious Top 40 chart-topper. In my everyday life, this isn’t a problem because I don’t spontaneously burst out into dance when I grab coffee at the DeBart ABP cart ( although I wish desperate mid-afternoon coffee had that effect).  Sure, I can flail. But it would be really cool to actually know what I was doing because oh my God does ND have a lot of dances.

Football 101

A nice 1-credit sitch for a month in the fall – so that I am actually obligated to learn a thing or two because I keep forgetting to read on my own. What’s a down? Did we just score a goal? What color are we cheering for? Despite being a Notre Dame student I still know next to nothing about the actual game of football, and I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way.  This course would cover everything from rules of the game to ND cheers to a brief history of our team. In the meantime I will continue to cheer when everyone else is cheering and pose for the exact same photo in the student section 40 times a game.

Home Economics

I know what you’re thinking: I am a strong, independent woman who went to college precisely because I intend to make enough money to hire a personal chef. Or maybe that’s just me. But the fact of the matter is that my mom is pretty far away and while I can boil water, open a can of sauce, and sew on a missing button, I can do little else.  Mending things, balancing a checkbook, managing loans, and making something delicious – I could dig it. I want to learn the essentials of running my own home before I move into one and learn by crash-course instead. 

How to App It 

We spend so much time out of class applying for things that it’s basically another 3-credit class. This class would be offered in the beginning of freshman year to answer those terrifying question of: What’s a cover letter? Does this go on my resume? What will they ask me in my interview? When I was in the process of applying for my first internship I called my older sisters nearly ever day with questions like these. A class that teaches basic interview skills and all that jazz would be beneficial so that I could spend my time out of class doing my actual homework instead. 

How to Survive Dorm Life

What can I do to make my room feel homier? Is that freshman crying or having an allergy attack? Do I say something? How do I properly SYR? More importantly: HOW DO I KILL THE COCKROACH I JUST SAW? I thought I was going to have a single. Unfortunately I have found a few squatters hiding in my room, and I would love to know how to get rid of them once and for all.  Lots of dorms on campus are old and I know mine isn’t the only one with this problem, gross. 

Dining Hall Creations 

Works cannot describe how tired I am of the dining hall. After five semesters of eating at NDH there are very few options that still sound appetizing, but with a little creativity I can usually find something to satisfy me. A class that could teach us to get creative with what we can put together in the DH would be a godsend.  

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Julia is a junior IT Management major from Minneapolis. When she isn't making spreadsheets in Excel, Julia can usually be found perusing antique shops, redecorating her dorm room, or speaking with a beautiful Minnesotan accent.
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AnnaLee Rice

Notre Dame

AnnaLee Rice is a senior at the University of Notre Dame with a double major in Economics and Political Science and a minor in PPE. In addition to being the HCND Campus Correspondent, she is editor-in-chief of the undergraduate philosophy research journal, a research assistant for the Varieties of Democracy project, and a campus tour guide.  She believes in democracy and Essie nailpolish but distrusts pumpkin spice lattes because they are gross.