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Peanut Allergy? Don’t Go Nuts! Try These Ingredients Instead!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Nut allergies are a serious concern that have been the issue of many debates as of late. According to the Peanut Institute, anywhere from 0.6-1% of the world population are effected by peanut allergies. Consequences can vary from a rash and hives, watery eyes, and even so far as to anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis is an extremely dangerous disease in which the throat and tongue swell shut, potentially causing other serious health concerns including death.

For individuals with peanut allergies, meal times can be a dangerous, stressful, and potentially embarrassing occurrence. With the presence of so many unknown contaminants and ingredients in foods, eating a desert or meal can sometimes be as risky as a roll of the dice. Individuals can also often times feel as though they are missing out on key aspects of life, including peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, snickers, and even Chik-fil-a (who uses peanut oil in frying their products).

Here are some substitutes to use in meals that require peanuts:

Pumpkin seeds:

Unsalted, roasted, and shelled pumpkin seeds are an awesome alternative to peanuts in various desert recipes. Pumpkin seeds have that high level of protein that peanuts have, and even have a similar texture to peanuts, thus making them a perfect candidate for substitution! Some great recipes that involve pumpkin seeds include: macaroons, cookies, and even ice cream toppings! 

However, pay attention to the type of pumpkin seeds that are purchased and make sure that all the labels are read! Some factories use the same equipment to process nuts and other ingredients, which can thus create a possibility of cross-contamination. To ensure that this does not occur, purchase organic pumpkin seeds that have a label stating “processed in a nut free facility” or something of the sort. 

Here is a great recipe to achieve those Blair Waldorf quality macaroons, using pumpkin seeds as an alternative to nuts! 

Soy Nut Butter:

The use of peanut butter in milkshakes and protein shakes has been on the rise concurrently with the fitness and health crazes that are sweeping across America. Peanut butter is a healthy way in which an individual can get protein, stay full, and yet, get a fatty and satisfying taste to the sometimes bland and metallic tastes that can oftentimes accompany regular protein shakes. 

Soy nut butter is an excellent substitute to use in instances where peanut butter is recommended! Simply add a banana and soy nut butter to a milkshake, or add a spoonful of soy nut butter to an apple!

Want a soy nut butter milkshake with your hamburger?  Try this recipe!


Finally, pretzels are a great substitute in the event that one needs a crispy topping to a meal. Pretzels pack that crunch that peanuts have, while adding a salty, but not overwhelming flavor to the dish.

For dishes that require peanut crumbles, crusts, or peanut garnishes, chopped pretzels can be a perfect substitute! Just ask Mars, who used this idea to make pretzel M&M’s for those who can’t eat their peanut versions. Try this pretzel salad recipe for your next party!


Happy eating!  HCNDXO!


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