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Panini Press is the Original Air Fryer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

If I were abandoned on an island I would bring a panini press with me. 

As college students, we are all entering that stage of our lives when we have to become fully responsible for taking care of ourselves. For many of us, one of the most challenging aspects of this is cooking. Learning to cook is not as simple as learning how to preheat an oven or follow a recipe. Learning to cook means learning how to grocery shop, budget, make nutritious, well-rounded meals and master the cooking appliances you have available.

Recently, I have noticed a huge trend in air fryers. However, I think it is important for college students to not buy into fad trends, and remember that cooking smart is more  important than being trendy. While some air fryers can be as expensive as $120, you can purchase a solid panini press and griddle for only $40! Panini presses are also, in my opinion, far simpler and longer lasting than air fryers. Not to mention, it is easier to stick to healthier options while using a griddle. 

Here are ten examples of easy, nutritious, cheap, college-friendly foods that you can make on a panini press. I have already tried some, and I can confidently say that I have been swayed back to #teampanini.

Fish Tacos

Craving a little seafood, but don’t feel like spending a whole day cooking? These cod tacos from Skinny Taste are a perfect recipe for beginner seafood chefs. The fish is super easy to season and then blacken on the griddle top of the panini press, and the rest of the ingredients can easily be washed and then cut up. My roommates and I recently tested out this recipe, and I have to give it a solid 9/10 ranking.

Turkey Burger

Another easy food to cook on the griddle is burgers! Not many college students are able to afford (or fit) a grill in their apartment. However, this does not mean you need to give up your favorite foods! Burgers are super simple to make on the griddle: whether that be a beef burger, turkey burger or veggie burger! One of our favorite meals is the New York Times turkey burgers, which we cooked on the griddle. This one is definitely a 10/10 must try.

Chicken Breast

Getting sick of oven-baked chicken breast? Add a little kick to your meal by cooking that chicken on the griddle. The seared/blackened taste will elevate any meal, guaranteed. Pair with some roasted veggies and a side salad, and you will never be happier.


Another simple meal is the classic Quesadilla! All you need is tortilla, shredded cheese, and maybe a little chicken, and you are set! Quesadilla (and even burritos) are a perfect way to use the panini press.


Just like the fish tacos, salmon (among other types of fish) is very easy to cook on the griddle.


I mean panini presses were made to toast bread, right?!

Grilled Veggies

These are the easiest and healthiest side to pair with any meal! Throw some onions, cauliflower, zucchini or asparagus on your panini press, and get ready for your well-rounded meal! Top with your choice of grains, protein and sauce to make a delicious bowl for dinner!


That’s right. Desserts too!

Pancakes and French Toast  

Panini presses and griddles are not exclusive to lunch and dinner! Open up the panini press to maximize griddle space, and make pancakes or french toast for your household to help treat your Sunday Scaries!

Easily reheat cold food

You can easily stick cold food on the press and reheat it in a matter of seconds!

A great resource for finding over 100 recipes that utilize panini presses in the Panini Happy blog. Whether you’re using a recipe from this blog, or your very own recipe from another source, I guarantee that using a panini press as your tool will yield some delicious and easy meals. Don’t buy into the air fryer trend. Stick to the basics.

Caroline Bice

Notre Dame '22

I am an Environmental Science major and History minor on the premed track. I love being active and following various fitness trends, and nutrition is also very important to me. I am extremely extroverted and can pretty much be found dancing anywhere you look for me. I am definitely a nerd and love school! Avid lover of English bulldogs and bassett hounds.