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Notre Dame’s Disney Expert: Elyssa Schwendy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I have heard time and time again that college is the place where you meet really incredible people with some of the most unique and special talents and stories.  Elyssa Schwendy is truly an example of statement.  Before sitting down with Elyssa today, I had only known her by her extremely insightful comments in my Introduction to Gender Studies class. 

Today I got to see the wonderful aspects of this senior from Manchester, Connecticut.  Elyssa, an environmental science major and sustainability minor, has so many impressive hobbies and interests, and is quite honestly one of the nicest people I have ever interviewed!  She makes her friends wooden pens as presents, she loves the environment, and she is planning on making little kids smile for a living! 

Me at my cousin’s wedding last month (this one doesn’t go with anything I said in the interview, but it’s proof I have eyes, since I’m wearing sunglasses/have my head turned in the other ones)”

You say you’re graduating early, do you know what are your plans post graduation?

Well, first I am going to go work for Disney as part of the Disney college program for as my short-term plan, just because that’s something I’ve wanted to do.  I want to work somewhere else for a few years, and then go grad school.  I plan on getting a job that works with invasive species or natural resource management.

“Me meeting Merida at Disney World”

So what are you most excited about working for Disney?

Just all of it, just being there.  I’ve been going to Disneyworld since I was three months old.  I’m really excited to interact with the Cast Members.  They are such an important part of the Disney experience.  They see you’re having a bad day and try to brighten it up somehow.  I want to be the person that brings the kids popcorn when they trip and fall and try and make them smile. I’m excited to meet all the people.

That’s amazing!  Do you know what your assignment will be?

I will be working in attractions (either a ride or a show). They don’t tell you the park, the ride, or the show until you get there for training.

Who is your favorite Disney character?

Nala, from The Lion King because she takes charge and gets things done.  The Lion King is also my favorite Disney movie. 

What attracted you to environmental science?

In Connecticut, I live in a house in woods, surrounded by big trees beautiful trees and a lot of insects.  I am just a very environmental person.  I discovered in high school that I really like science because I had a really good biology teacher.  When I was deciding my major, I had to look at what I like about science and what I like about life in general.  This led me to environmental science.  I also like problem solving, and that’s part of environmental science and solving all the issues surrounding the environment.   

“A picture of Small Me, being interested in lakes/animals/the environment from a young age”

What’s your favorite place at Notre Dame?

My favorite place outdoors is that area right on the lake where you can see the Basilica and the Dome.  My favorite indoor place is in Galvin Lab just because I love the research that I do there.

What research are you doing?

I just finished a project with methane emissions from freshwater lakes in Michigan at University of Notre Dame’s Environmental Research Center (UNDERC).  I am currently helping process samples and looking at past data collection.  It’s a lot less pressure than what I was doing before, like coding and dealing with my own data.

“Me at UNDERC on one of my research lakes”

What are you passionate about?

Definitely the environment.  I’m really into Disney since that’s my job.  I also love to run.  I’m getting ready to do the Disney marathon.  I have already done the Disney Half Marathon and it was really fun!  It’ll be my first marathon.  I also like tennis.  I did it in high school and it was something my grandpa and I did together.  I also love animals, especially because I have a lot of pets.  I make wooden pens.  I made a wooden pen for Father Ted from the some of the wood in UNDERC because that was one of his favorite places.

Me running the Disney Half Marathon last year (I’m doing the half AND the full this year- the half on Saturday and the full the next day- yikes)”

What pets do you have?

I have three cats, two are brother and sister and one is just like a bonus cat.  We have a bunny and a turtle.  We used to have a hedgehog named Thistle, an African Pigmy Hedgehog, which we got from a breeder in Massachusetts. The process required that you prove that you would be a good owner.  Thistle was born on New years day and when we finally got him, he could fit in my hand.  We also had several fish, and even a hamster. 

What is one piece of advice that you would give an incoming freshman?

Look for programs that interest you.  I studied abroad and went up north for research with UNDERC, and those were really interesting things I had never thought of doing and they ended up being some of the best experiences ever.  I know that you get spammed with emails detailing so many opportunities.  Don’t delete those emails, and ask people about the programs.  Look around and see what’s being offered.

Elyssa in Australia with a baby kangaroo.

What’s the one thing you’ll miss most about Notre Dame?

I will just miss the campus and the lakes.  There are so many places to go running and meeting new people.  I love the atmosphere, especially now with the leaves changing.  I love fall. 

Lyons loves Elyssa and I know you do to too!



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Images: Provided by Elyssa