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Not Your Average Zahmbie: Matt Bushland ’19

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Rarely seen without a Subway sandwich, this guy is taking on the world by storm, one Honors Calculus problem at a time. Described by friends as “possibly the strangest, loveable, yet hateable person” they’ve ever encountered, read on for a look into what it’s really like to be the one and only Matt Bushland.

The Basics

Name: Matthew Thomas Bushland

Dorm: Zahm House (not a hall, it’s a house…I don’t know why, but it’s a house)

Hometown: Dallas, TX, but I’ve lived in 9 states so I don’t really have a hometown.

Major: Honors Math

Graduation Year: 2019

Relationship Status: In a relationship

On Notre Dame

What is your fondest memory of Notre Dame so far?

 Either Zormal, with Marisa Lenga, or the last interhall football game for Zahm.

Best spot on campus?

Pdub-I always find myself there. Either that or Subway.

Favorite class?

Honors Calculus 1-it’s really hard but it’s been very interesting for me ’cause I’m kind of a nerd.

What’s your opinion on ND Squirrels?

They just make you happy. I saw one pooping in a trash can once so I think they’re pretty smart. They have their own waste system. Actually that could be one of my best memories here.

Said squirrel relieving itself in a trashcan…they are beginning to evolve.

On everything else

What was your Halloween costume?

Halloweekend…So Friday night I was a cowboy gigilo (if you don’t know what a gigilo is kids, look it up on Urban Dictionary). And Saturday night I was Squint and my girlfriend was Wendy Peffercorn [from The Sandlot] so we did a couples costume.

If you could eat at one on campus food venue for the rest of your life it would be...You were probably expecting me to say Subway so I’m gonna throw a curveball here and say Einstein’s Bagels. I get the applewood bacon and cheddar. It kills the game.

note: I would reccommend googling gigolo outside of a classroom setting.

Is everything bigger in Texas?

Yes…I feel like a wink is implied with this statement.

Best thing about Texas?

It’s never cold and sports are all year round. But egos are very high and that may be the worst thing about Texas. Dallas Cowboys fans will be the death of me…

What’s your favorite movie?

I’m inclined to go with The Sandlot. It brings out the little kid in me. Tears come to my eyes when little kids play baseball.

Matt and Marisa were the perfect Squint and Wendy. 

What’s your opinion on Donald Trump?

I think he’s been phenomenal for politics. He is the worst possible candidate for president, but the best possible person to run. He’s successful and honestly has probably gotten more teenagers to tune into politics than any other candidate because they want to know what stupid things he’s done. So he’s great for the race but would be a horrible president.

North or South DH?

North-it’s easier, more food very quickly. You gotta beef up to keep up. You can be small when you start-it doesn’t matter where you start, it only matters where you finish.

Describe yourself in 3 words…

Can I use numbers? I would say 69, 5, because why not, and probably 37. But with words I would say white, in the skin tone sense, ecstatic, and dream-chasin’

Any closing remarks? 

Can I speak to my audience here? So I’d just like to say to all the ladies out there, I may not be number one in every category, but just let me be number one in the friendzone (shoutout to Marisa).


Thanks for the interview Matt!



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All images courtesy of the interviewee

Hi everyone, I'm Marie! I am a freshman at the University of Notre Dame studying English with a possible double minor in Design and Journalism. I hail from Jacksonville, Florida, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars, lots of beaches, and winters that don't get worse than 40 degrees (apparently I'm in for a shock). I take pride in being a purple weasel from Pasquerilla West(peace, love, pdub:). I have unhealthy obsessions with watching sunsets, inspirational quotes, Friends (the tv show and my actual friends), running, drinking coffee, the beach, and of course, all things Notre Dame. I'm so happy to have found a home under the dome!