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ND Weekends as Told by New Girl’s Schmidt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Friday night and your ND weekend is about to commence.

You start it off by telling your squad your party plans.


Post-midterms stress, you’re ready to let loose and you’re feeling a little…

After the wardrobe changes, hair and make up prep, and pregame playlist blasting, you’re feeling pretty confident in this night.

But you can’t find that one pair of shoes, pushing back the party plans a half hour as you search for them.

When everyone has finally got it together, they ask you if you’re ready to go and your response:

But you get to the party and it’s overrun with freshmen.

And to add to it, some rando has decided to hit on you, and you’re pretty skeptical about it.

Because he’s feeding you cheesy lines like this:

And just when you think you’ll let yourself buy into it, he crosses a line.

But it’s fine because across the room you see your friend and you book it to her.

And as the night goes on, you get a little emotional drunk and start spilling all sorts of truths.

Until your roommates decide it’s time to go home and you reluctantly follow.

But the night is saved by a late night pizza run, and you’re feeling great until…

You wake up the next morning.

And your friends are trying to get you to go out again tonight.

And though you don’t know how you’ll rally…

You know you will because you would never miss a night out at ND.

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Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21