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ND Packing List: Inside Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Domer move-in is fast approaching, especially for Notre Dame freshmen that drive up to our beloved South Bend campus on Friday, August 21st.

Remembering my days as a freshman, I know that the move-in informational material provided to Notre Dame newbies is extensive to say the least.

I remember getting an amazing fifty-page guidebook to Notre Dame from Freshmen Year of Studies, administration and my dorm. But when you are making the big leap from high-schooler to college student and moving away from your family for the first time in your life, it can never hurt to get as much information as possible to prepare you for the whirlwind of change coming your way.

So here is the Notre Dame Packing List: Inside Edition. Things you will want that you may not have seen on the official paperwork:

1.  Fan


It will be ungodly hot in the month of August and September. You will be confused because you thought you were moving to the winter tundra and that this kind of heat could not exist here. Unfortunately, it does. And at least 30% of students will live in un-air-conditioned dorms. So bring the most powerful standing fan you can find to keep yourself cool at the beginning of the year.

2.  Parka

Once the heat fades, we will have some temperate warm weeks and then a nice fall. That fall will quickly descend into an icy winter though. Don’t worry, the winter tundra really does exist despite the doubt you may have had in August.

My advice would be to invest in a parka. The extra inches of winter coat to cover your butt and thighs really does make all the difference in the winter.

3.  Bean Boots

Or Hunter Boots, or Bear Paw Boots. Any thermal and sturdy rain boots you can find. South Bend winter gets pretty sloshy, and warm rain-boots may be a better bet than winter boots like Uggs, which will get severely water damaged. Also, Bean Boots are a very trendy style among Domer ladies.

4.  Good Leggings

You really will wear your leggings all the time (or at least I do). Investing in a sturdy pair of leggings is recommended. Or try fur-lined ones to keep you warmer in the winter.

5.  Netflix Password

Netflix is heaven sent, and some of its biggest followers are college students. It is one of the most beautiful procrastination devices ever created.

Have an essay due tomorrow? Watch Netflix! Have a final that you really should be studying for but cannot bring yourself to it? Watch Netflix! Invite a guy over to watch Netflix but freaking out and decide you don’t want to make a move? Actually watch Netflix!

Netflix is great for so many things, so if you do not have an account, I would advise getting one. Or, the even better option, borrow your friend’s password and mooch off their account.

6.  Bed fan

Did I mention it gets really hot in August-September? If you are planning on lofting your bed, buy a fan that you can clip up there. Heat rises, and when you are seven feet up in the air out of reach from your standing floor fan, you will be wanting more air circulation.

7.  Identification

If you want to hit up the ND bar scene, make sure to bring proper identification (But also no worries, because there are tons of non-bar alternatives at ND to party or to not party.).

8.  Water filter

The tap water at ND is reportedly pretty weird (I do not mind it, but people give me a lot of grief for that.). Many advise on bringing a Britta filter for your mini fridge.

9.  Breakfast Bars

You’re used to getting up for 7:45 high school days. You wake up and have breakfast by 7 a.m.  But when you get to college, a 9:30 class will become the bane of your existence. You might even have an 8 a.m. (God bless your soul).

Since these classes feel so early, you will probably not be making it to the dining hall before they begin. That is where Cliff Bars and Quest Bars become a lifesaver.

10.  ND Spirit Gear

ND takes great pride in their football team and in their school as a whole. And the students celebrate that on the daily with Notre Dame gear. You are guaranteed to have at least one person wearing Notre Dame clothes in every single class you will have for the next four years.

Make sure to check out the bookstore and get some of your own! Also, check out the fun spirit items for football games, like ND face stickers and mittens and hats and jackets and oh did I mention it’s all Underarmour so check out the leggings and shirts and shoes and… sorry, if you can’t tell I’m excited and ready to back to school shop as well. Basically just go to the Bookstore and indulge in a little ND.

Hopefully this brief list has given you a little clarity on how to prepare for the coming move in and semester. Can’t wait to see you all on campus soon.


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The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rebeccarogalski@hercampus.comor Katrina Linden at katrinalinden@hercampus.com

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Kelly is a student at the University of Notre Dame studying marketing and journalism, originally hailing from the great city of Holland, Michigan. Kelly's academic and political interests focus in one gender inequality and wage inequality. Her future career interests, whether writing or marketing, are focused in the fashion and beauty industries. Kelly has worked with companies such as philosophy, which promote using the beauty industry as a means of empowerment, which she believes to be a very important lesson. For fun, Kelly finds her peace on the yoga mat and running the beach or the woods. She loves the outdoors and traveling, having already been to 8 countries. Along with writing, she lovs to sing, a performer on stage and most definitely in the shower. Kelly also is actively involved in event planning, another passion of hers. And above all she loves ice cream, pizza, her friends, and her two dogs.