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Meet Michelle Langlois! ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Meet Michelle Langlois, a sophomore Music (Trumpet performance) and Environmnetal science major from Pasquerilla East Hall. A member of the Notre Dame Marching Band since freshman year, she splits her time between pouring over science textbooks and music theory assignments and engaging in campus activities such as Marching Band, Concert Band, varsity bands, and broom ball. Her favorite TV show is How I Met Your Mother (Cause it is Legen – wait for it – dary!) and when asked to choose between North or South, she responded, “Considering I live on Mod Quad and I practically live at South, I’d have to choose South. Both have their benefits and downfalls, but some more than others.” When asked to describe herself, Michelle said, “People say that I’m smart, funny, and talented, but I see otherwise on many occasions.”

On Football, Marching Band, and having a world class view of the best of ND

As a member of the Notre Dame Marching Band, can you describe a typical game day?

A typical game day for being a member of the marching band is exhilarating from the moment you wake up. From morning march out to practice in Loftus to lunch at South to trumpet nap time at Bond Hall. It’s all part of the normal routine, but the adrenaline rush really sets in once I set foot in the Main Building to perform trumpets in the Dome, and it all goes from there. Win or lose, the band always wins, and there is always candlelight dinner at the South dining hall to reward us for our efforts.

Whats the best game you’ve been to?

The best game I’ve ever been to? Is that even a question?? Notre Dame vs. Michigan 2014.


Worst game would have to be BYU last November considering it was -35 degrees….

ND, Campus Life, and the Notre Dame family

How would you describe campus?

Campus was a maze at first, but it’s truly beautiful and amazing once you have a chance to leisurely walk around, appreciating it for what it really is.

Whats the best part about life at Notre Dame?

the best part is the community here, hands down (and the squirrels roaming campus).


The worst thing about life at Notre Dame is living so far away from everything, except the library and band building.

Memory and reflections on the year

What’s one piece of advice you’d give your freshman self?

If had one thing to say to my Freshman self, it would be to not ever be afraid to speak up, make new friends, or stay up late to just talk with friends and relax. Everything is more than worth it, and the memories you make throughout 4 years here at Notre Dame will come to form who you will become and contribute to how you will change the world outside of Notre Dame.

Best ND memory?

Some of my greatest memories come from late night shenanigans and talks with good friends. I don’t have a specific memory that tops all others out, but I know the friends you make and the most you make of the times you’re with them contribute to one heck of an undergrad’s life.

One quote that would describe your life motto

Again, it is so difficult to choose something that defines you so much. But a quote that means a lot to me is this from Alan Cohen: “It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.” Make every day a blessing in disguise and cherish every small moment that makes you who YOU are.

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All images courtesy of Michelle


I'm a junior in Pasquerilla East Hall and am majoring in PLS and Political Science. I hail from Bayamon, Puerto Rico and as a result I wholeheartedly believe that depictions of Hell should involve snow instead of heat. In my free time I write, watch shows like Doctor Who/Steven Universe, read as many articles from EveryDay Feminism as humanly possible, and binge Nostalgia Chick on youtube.