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Me Time: Why It’s Okay to be Alone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Hey there, dear readers. I hope this week finds you well. It seems like everything this week has been rather hectic, doesn’t it? I’ve been feeling both pushed to my limits emotionally and physically this week, and I know that as Americans, many people are questioning what’s going on in the world. Maybe the best thing for us to do during a time like this is to learn to be alone. Why? Learning to be alone in a time when you need people around you the most is a way to make yourself stronger. You learn the most intimate things about yourself that you couldn’t discover with the help of your friends, SO, or family. So I’m going to give you a few tips for having “me time” that I think you’ll find will make dealing with times like these a little better for you.


This year I began journaling every day and it’s really changed my life. There’s something about putting your thoughts on paper that just makes everything okay. It can also be an excellent way to hold onto those little moments that make you smile, or even those big moments that change your life. I bought an inspiration journal that takes me through different daily prompts. Some are cute and random like, “Take a walk today and notice all the colors around you. Pay particular attention to the smells around you.” You may feel that having specific prompts ready for you helps you to think better, or you may just buy a blank journal and do your own daily examen. Trust me, journaling is a practice I recommend to everyone now that I’ve begun. I don’t know what I did without it!

Spa Night

Never tell yourself that things are more important than your own well-being. If you find yourself lacking time to take care of yourself, that’s when you really know you need a little TLC. My favorite way to unwind is to paint my nails and put on a face mask while they dry. I crank up some relaxing music (or pop songs, depending on whether I’m feeling like dancing or not) and just focus on me. After I’m finished, I make sure to put on some lotion. Moisturizing our skin at this young of an age shows huge benefits. You’re less likely to see signs of aging later in life. Don’t forget to get your beauty sleep, too!

Listening to Music

I thought I lost my headphones yesterday and I almost DIED. My headphones are my lifeline. I constantly have them in, even when I’m on my bike or walking from class to class. Music cures all ills and boosts happiness. I suggest listening to Frank Ocean for some laidback tunes or to Bruno Mars if you’re feeling peppy. If you’re just looking for some music to lie down to, try this playlist on Spotify. I’ve been listening to the coffeehouse playlist for a long time, and it’s perfect for this fall weather!

Reading Motivational Blogs

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in the same place and you can’t seem to find any inspiration throughout the day? Sometimes that’s a sign that you need alone time. My favorite way to get inspiration is by reading motivational blogs. I literally just typed those words into Google one day and I got a million suggestions to try. It’s also great to go on travel blogs as well. I dream about going to Paris every day of my life. It’s fine. Peruse Pinterest for some motivational quotes. There’s nothing in the world you can’t do, and sometimes you just need an inspiring quote to remind you of that!


You might be thinking: “There’s not an artistic bone in my body.” Or you might be that girl that’s like: “Yay! Finally someone is suggesting I do what I love.” Well whoever you are, I can assure you that drawing and painting are great ways to reduce stress and help you focus on your inner thoughts and feelings. Sometimes playing with watercolor can be really fun. You never know how the colors are going to merge together to create something beautiful. And even if it’s not beautiful, who cares? Just stroking the brush against the paper is a reflective gesture. You don’t have to show anyone your art when you’re done either. Make it a gift to yourself to remind you that you took the time to take care of YOU.

Taking a Walk

The leaves are falling and the whole world is a sea of red, gold, and orange. Don’t you feel so blessed? Show nature some love and take a walk. Be mindful of your steps and the noises your shoes make as they crunch the leaves. Breathe in the fresh air and close your eyes. Remind yourself that you’re present and ready for your day. Take a look at all the buildings around you that you neglect to truly look at when you’re walking to class. What colors do you notice that you never have before? Maybe go exploring and find your new favorite spot on campus. There are endless opportunities when it comes to taking a walk. Every step you take leads to something new, so don’t be afraid to open your mind and heart to what you’re feeling. Just live in the moment.

Going to a New Restaurant

I love food just as much as the next guy, and I hope you do too! Going to a restaurant alone is a fun experience. I love to sit at little cafes alone by the window and do some people-watching or reading. When you’re alone, you find yourself focusing on each bite you take. Being mindful about the food we eat helps us to appreciate our blessings. You eat less if you really take your time too. So even if you have a lot on your mind, really focus on each bite and how it tastes. Try a new cultural dish and see how you like it!

Practice Smiling

I promise I’m not crazy! But I often pass people on campus who seem like they don’t have time to smile back at me. It can really drain you of emotional energy when no one smiles at you. I like to practice my smile in the mirror. I do this by giving myself affirmations like, “You look great today,” or “You’re going to ace that exam.” Then I give myself a confident smile and go about my day. This is a really simple practice and it only takes a few moments. But think about it: this is considered “me time” too! You deserve to smile!

Reading a New Book

As college students, it can be difficult to take the time to read for pleasure. You may find yourself too swamped with homework or textbook reading. Don’t set unrealistic goals when it comes to reading for pleasure. Even just 15 minutes every other night before bed is beneficial for your mental health. If you turn off your phone and relax in bed with a nice warm cup of water with lemon and a good book, you’re bound to fall asleep at a reasonable hour and in a very short amount of time. I know this helps me immensely. I recommend that you read Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso, founder and CEO of Nasty Gal. You’ll feel like a strong, independent woman after every hilarious chapter!


For girls our age, it can be tempting to workout for that spring break body or bikini body. But have you ever thought about exercising for athletics rather than aesthetics? Beauty is more than skin deep. Beauty is something way beyond the flesh. Keeping up your cardio is wonderful for your heart, and after you finish a really hard workout, you’ll feel strong and ready to tackle all of your obstacles in the day. It’s proven that if you workout early in the morning, you’ll be more focused and energetic, both creatively and physically. Not into running? Try a yoga class to center yourself. Do you feel intimidated at the gym? Turn on some music in your room and dance around for 20-30 minutes. Or go to a dance class. I’m a dancer and a cheerleader, so I’ve always had specific outlets. But I go to the gym almost every day, and I love practicing yoga. I’ve also taken up boxing this year, and it’s possibly one of my favorite forms of exercise. There are so many options for you! Train like a beast, look like a beauty!

Remember that you don’t always have to be surrounded by people. Sometimes what we need more than anything is some quality time for ourselves. I hope these tips help you to find an outlet for yourself. As always, stay beautiful and know that you’re a special individual who is deserving of love and beauty in your life. XOXO


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Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11



Well hi there! My name is Madelyn, and I'm a freshman at the University of Notre Dame majoring in Pre-Medicine and Romance Languages. I'm a lover of all things fashion and beauty, and it's my dream to intern with a magazine one day. You can catch me perusing Vogue, singing in the Opera, dancing with Troop ND, boxing for exercise, and obsessing over anything pink. I hope you can find something lovely in my articles that sticks with you! Cheers!! XO