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The Magnificent Melissa Hoelting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Ever wonder what it would be like to be an incredible student, world class athlete, AND a Texan? Search no further, because Melissa Hoelting can answer all your questions! Mel is a junior from the Lone Star state itself. She is an avid business tutor and the captain of the Lyons Hall flag football team. She is a finance major, but definitely knows a thing or two about accounting. Sadly, next semester Melissa will be traveling to Athens, Greece to study abroad, so I’m glad I  was lucky enough to sit down with her and have a chat.

What do you love most about Notre Dame?

I love all the people I have gotten to meet from all over the United States. If I had the option, I would live the rest of my life in Texas, but I love that I have met people from states like Florida, Arizona, New York, and Minnesota who are pretty awesome and I would love to visit. Everyone comes from such different backgrounds and I feel like I’ve learned so much more about people and the United States just by attending a school in the middle of nowhere, Indiana.

What do you love most about Texas?

That’s like asking what I love most about breathing. But I guess I would have to say the weather because to be honest I like a fall where the high is 75 and a two-week winter where the city basically shuts down for an inch of ice and snow. Also, summer was meant to be hot, so you aren’t doing it right if it isn’t 100+ degrees for 3 straight months.

Why did you choose finance?

Why wouldn’t I choose finance? But really, I’ve always been really good at and interested in math, so it seemed a natural course to follow. Plus my mom also majored in it in college and she seems to be doing pretty good and enjoying herself.

Where is your favorite spot on campus?

Lyons’ second floor lounge. Table on the right, farthest chair to the right with a perfect view out onto the quad in front of Lyons because it’s where all my friends have to walk and I get to call down to them like Rapunzel.

What’s it like having your baby sister on campus?

She’s just so little and precious and I love her so much. But really, everyone just keeps telling me how much cooler she is then me, so I kind of wish she went to another university so no one knew this. But it means we get to have a car at school, so I guess she can stay if she like, dials back the cool.

What are you most excited and nervous for when travelling abroad?

I’m most excited to travel around Europe and Greece to come back just so much more cultured than everyone else. I’m most nervous that Greece will have a meltdown in the next 3 months and I won’t be able to go abroad at all…

What is your current favorite TV show?

If it has to be one on the air right now, then I guess Scream Queens cause it’s the only one I really watch and my sister and I watch it together every week. It’s very strange though, and I don’t really understand if it’s supposed to be comedy, drama, action, horror, or maybe a combination of it all? If it’s one off the air, definitely The Office because it is comedic genius and my sister and I can go hours texting only in Office quotes.

What song best describes you?

Gold Trans Am” by Ke$ha. Look it up. Life changing.

I hear you have a pretty amazing touchdown dance; can you describe it for us?

Okay, the key part of the dance is that the refs have to pull the flags so that everyone knows it was a legit touchdown. So you stick out your hips so they can pull the flags then you do the dance which is a nice thrusting motion of the hips to the right and left to really hammer home that you finally scored the first touchdown of the season.

What is the best boys’ dorm?

Not Carroll. Literally that is the only criteria to be the best boys’ dorm. If you are friends with Chris Chin on Facebook you can get video evidence as to why my friend Kelly and I don’t like Carroll.

What is your favorite late night snack?

Dr. Pepper and chips and salsa. The best drink in the world and a little tex-mex flair so my stomach doesn’t get upset that I’m drinking soda.

What do you plan on being for Halloween?

As expressed, I love Dr. Pepper more than anything. So, I’m going to be the crazy Dr. Pepper guy from the college football playoff commercials. My friends are experimenting with the idea of going as doing sexy costumes for things that should totally not be sexy so it may end up being sexy Dr. Pepper commercial man.

Who is your ultimate idol?

Ke$ha, because she doesn’t care what anyone thinks and just does what she wants. Plus, she’s got some really good messages in her songs about staying true to yourself and being who you are.

Do you plan on winning your next flag football game?

Of course, Lyons will not only score again, they will win again.

UPDATE: Lyons lost their last flag football game, but notably came very close to a second touchdown

So now you know: Dr. Pepper, Ke$ha and definitely NOT Carroll.

Thanks Mel! 


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Hannah Dunn

Notre Dame

Hannah Dunn is a sophomore Marketing and Film, Television and Theater major at ND. Born and raised in Westchester, NY, Hannah loves to lax it up with the Women's Club Lacrosse Team, but is never opposed to a Netflix and chill. If you need a good Ben and Jerry's ice cream recommendation be sure to ask her.