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Magazines to Bring to the Beach

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Summer is the time to put away your textbooks and clear your mind of due dates and group projects. One of the best ways to do this is to escape to the beach and listen to your “Summertime” Spotify playlist while enjoying the non-school-related reading material that you haven’t had a chance to pick up since December.

But the same old magazines get boring after a while, so give a few of these a chance and I promise that you’ll look like the most sophisticated girl on the beach!

Nylon Magazine

Nylon is one of my personal favorites. It’s quirky, retro, and unapologetically girly. The magazine interviews up-and-coming young actors/musicians, and has beauty and fashion articles targeted to Millenials specifically. Whether you’re debating dying your hair pink or looking for the hottest new Indie/Electronica band in Europe, this magazine is for the urban girl who wants to stand out from the crowd. 

Glamour UK

As far as prose goes, Glamour UK is one of the best. The features in this magazine are progressive and tend to highlight the working woman’s life. Also, the issues feature successful women who talk about their extensive and admirable careers. Because it’s a British magazine, every once in a while you might be confused by jargon or phrases that you don’t recognize, but it gives the magazine a distinct voice (and I always end up reading it in a British accent in my head). 

Natural Health

These days, we’re bombarded by health crazes and contrived diets (ahem, ice water) in magazines. Natural Health is all about going back to the basics and how to become fit not only physically, but also mentally. There are articles about yoga, all-natural beauty products, and smoothies for every occasion. Additionally, there are great tips on how to de-stress that you’ll definitely need for the school year!


This Australian magazine has an eclectic aesthetic and is unlike any other you’ve read. It features everything from where to buy a Wes Anderson-inspired suitcase to street style to colorful Soviet-era Hungarian houses. This magazine is difficult to find at stores in the US, but it’s totally worth a subscription. 

Vogue Italia

The magazine to end all magazines. Vogue Italia easily has some of the best editorial work of any of the Vogue editions, and it often features models on the covers rather than actors/singers, which gives it the classic European fashion magazine vibe. Although you may not be able to read it unless you’re taking Italian, you’ll look incredibly cool flipping through the pages. 

Happy reading, Collegiettes! 


The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rrogalsk@nd.edu or Katrina Linden atklinden1@nd.edu.

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