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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Let’s get one thing out of the way really quick – finals suck. We all know this, and we all look forward to the beautiful relief that is Christmas break. It seems like all we need is to somehow push through the caffeinated freak outs, the sleepless nights, and those awful two-hour tests to survive.

The only problem is that sometimes in order to get through it we become what a mother endearingly calls “little stress monsters”. So, you say you’re stress out? I’m tired, my body hurts, my brain hurts…etc. It’s easy in these situations to be grumpy and to just dump on everyone around you. I’m guilty of doing this all the time.

However, there’s something really true that my dad used to tell me: if you smile, or even fake a smile, you start to feel better. There have even been beginnings of scientific studies done that support this theory. One study in 2009 revealed that even the suppression of a frown because of Botox improves your mood. Imagine the kind of power this would have on your final!

We’ve all wanted to go into a final feeling calm, relaxed, and confident. Who knew it could be as simple as smiling? So here is the answer to all of our problems, and yet it is so difficult to do. When I’m super stressed, it can be hard to say more than a couple of words to people, but I’ve found that a kind word from someone else can make my day. It wasn’t until last semester that I realized how much it makes me feel better to be supportive of others.

A little kindness goes a long way. Plus, if you think about it, it’s good preparation for Christmas. With finals finishing so close to Christmas every year, it can feel like it just comes out of nowhere. A little bit of kindness goes a long way with helping to prepare you for the excitement of Christmas. As Mother Teresa once said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” She always encouraged her sisters to smile.

Last year I specifically remember being just about ready to give up. It had been a really hard semester and I was not expecting finals to come upon me as soon as they did. On the third day of finals I had had it, and I was coming back into my dorm when my roommates turned and gave me the biggest smiles. They were tired too, but suddenly the day was worth it.

Throughout the week there were small acts of kindness exchanged in that room that went pretty much unnoticed, except that they helped me stay in a fairly positive mood. It’s important even during finals week to take a step back and just be a little kinder. It will make you feel better and will help you do well on your finals, too.

Good luck and remember to keep smiling! 

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Down in El Paso there lived a little girl who dreamed of the snow. She got to ND and now dreams of the sun.