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Johnny Romano ’14: Bighearted Leprechaun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.
  • Our own Notre Dame Leprechaun Johnny Romano discusses his charity work in Hondorus and offers some great advice.



    Name: Johnny Romano

    Hometown: Glencoe, Illinois

    The thing you miss most about home: My Dad’s cooking

    Major: Marketing

    Dorm allegiance: THE Dillon Hall

    Campus activities: Leprechaun, FOTO (Friends of the Orphans)

    Service work: Translator for doctors in Honduras

    Favorite memory from Honduras: First day I met Damiana, the girl I sponsor.

    How can I get involved?: Join the FOTO club on campus in the fall!

    Favorite college memory thus far: Can’t remember one specifically…. too many to keep track of obviously.

    Post-grad plans?: Volunteer in Honduras at the Orphanage 

    Where do you see yourself in 20 years: Married with a few kids and a job I love doing.

    If you could change one thing about ND what would it be?: The winters…

    If you could give advice for current students what would it be?: Remember that there is more to life then A’s and B’s… that is why we have 26 letters in the alphabet.



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University of Notre Dame; Class of 2014