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“It’s On Us” to End Sexual Assault

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

In an era of third-wave feminism, issues regarding gender are getting more attention than ever in the media. This includes sexual assault and its unfortunate prevalence on college campuses. As many as 1 in 4 college women will be assaulted, and around 10% of sexual assault survivors are men. In spite of the focus that is normally placed on protecting women, it really is a crime that deeply affects all genders.


“It’s On Us” is a national campaign, concentrated primarily on college campuses (over 150 schools have joined so far), designed to end sexual assault and to help diminish the effects of rape culture. On their website you can take the pledge essentially stating what you will do to fulfill your part in maintaining an environment that is safe from sexual assault.

The initiative was originally launched by President Obama and Vice President Biden in September. “It is on all of us to reject the quiet tolerance of sexual assault and to refuse to accept what’s unacceptable,” President Obama said.

It’s On Us has been part of a response to some staggering statistics regarding sexual assault on college campuses: it is estimated that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted while at college, but only 12% of those assaults are ever reported and even fewer result in a punishment against the offender.

The initiative is a revamp of “1 is 2 Many,” another program designed to end violence against women, although the latter placed more emphasis specifically on dating violence.

Notre Dame is one of the most recent schools to join. According to Kristen Loehle, the Gender Issues Committee Chair for student government, says that “It’s on Us is a student engagement and conversation campaign that aims to shift the way we think about sexual assault.” It seeks to explain that sexual assault is more than isolated crimes; it is a societal problem, which means it will take more effort to solve. “Everyone and every place should be safe at Notre Dame.” In order to create a safe environment on campus, it is not enough for a few individuals to commit themselves; an environment requires the participation and commitment from the entirety of the student body.  

As part of the campaign, there will be a pledge card distribution this week (January 26-30). These pledges will be shared in the dorms and will be the same as the one you can make on the website. Additional material will be shared at the beginning of February, including a It’s On Us video which will exhibit the voices of individuals from all parts of our community. There will also be printed promotional materials and social media support.

If you, or anyone you know, is a victim of sexual assault, contact information for a variety of resources can be found here.


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Images: 1, 2, 3

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, email correspondence with Ms. Loehle

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Megan Valley

Notre Dame

Megan Valley, Notre Dame class of 2018, is majoring in the Program of Liberal Studies and English. Some of her addictions include chai tea, naps, popcorn, flannel shirts and floral print dresses. She enjoys reading, writing, smashing the patriarchy, binge watching television shows of questionable caliber, and speaking about herself in the third person.