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Intimate Encounters: Let’s Talk Sports

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Notre Dame. Football. Whenever I tell people that I go to school here that’s the first thing they ask me about. Why people automatically assume that any and every human associated with this school knows all about the team is beyond me, but that’s besides the point. Football players are nice guys. So are hockey players, and basketball players, and lacrosse players and baseball players. And all athletes at this school, for the most part. But sleeping with an athlete is a whole different ballgame (see what I did there?). They’re not any more special than any other student, but because they are so high profile it’s a tricky path to walk down. If you’re seen talking to an athlete out in public, most guys assume you’re easy and most girls assume you’re a jersey chaser. Note: I am neither of these things, but I have been called them on multiple occasions.

Athletes are great to hook up with. They’ve got killer bodies, have great endurance, and in most cases, are pretty experienced. But again, they’re high profile. People know their business. It’s like everyone’s senses are heightened as soon as an athlete walks into the room because we all want to see what they’re going to do next. I’m going to give out a free piece of advice: never, ever, leave a public place (namely a bar or club or party) alone with an athlete. Because everyone will see you. And assume that you’re sleeping with him. And then proceed to talk about it. He won’t get any crap for it. His teammates will high five him on the way out and he’ll brag about it the next day in the locker room. But as the female in that interaction, you’ll get a lot of unwanted attention. And it sucks. You’d think that as women we should have the freedom to do what we want with whom we want, but unfortunately we live in an environment where we are constantly judged for those decisions, particularly if it’s a decision that involves a campus celebrity. And because of their status they can get any girl they want, and there’s a very good chance that he’s not that into you and there are going to be no strings attached and you’ve just got to be okay with that, Gina. What? Oh sorry, yeah, Gemma.

This is not meant to generalize the athletes or criticize them for being sexually active. I’m just sharing my experience with them. In all honesty, they’re an asset to the sexually active community because they’re one of the few social groups that isn’t ashamed to do it. I’m just saying that if you are going to jump on that bandwagon (and trust me, it’s a fun one to be on), make sure you play it smart. No one wants to be the girl that everyone is whispering about when you get up to look for the Tabasco sauce around the dining hall.

Xx, Gemma

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Intimate Encounters is a new column I'll be writing for Her Campus ND and I decided to become a part of it because I want people (especially women) to start feeling comfortable with their sex life. I’m not here to lecture, preach, or tell you that everything that I have done or will do in my sex life is the right or wrong thing to do. I’m going to talk about mistakes that I’ve made, amazing experiences that I’ve had, firsts (a lot of firsts), funny stories, awkward moments, and people that have made a difference in the woman I’ve become. Hopefully I’ll also be able to answer any questions you might have-- seriously, no shame.