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Intimate Encounters: The Beginning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.



Sex. It’s okay. Read it again. Say it out loud. Get comfortable with it because as long as you keep reading this article we’re going to be talking about it.


My name is Gemma Daniels. I’ve been sexually active since the time I was fifteen. What? Fifteen? But you were still a child! Yes, yes I was. I’m not denying that. I was immature and young. But that was a decision I made in my life. Key words: my life. This is a new column for Her Campus ND and I decided to become a part of it because I want people (especially women) to start feeling comfortable with their sex life. I’m not here to lecture, preach, or tell you that everything that I have done or will do in my sex life is the right or wrong thing to do. I’m going to talk about mistakes that I’ve made, amazing experiences that I’ve had, firsts (a lot of firsts), funny stories, awkward moments, and people that have made a difference in the woman I’ve become. Hopefully I’ll also be able to answer any questions you might have– seriously, no shame. I’ve heard and seen and done a lot of different things.


So, in honour of my first article, I’m going to share one of my most memorable sex stories: my first time. I was fifteen and I went camping on the beach. I met a lifeguard named Jared. He was having a bonfire that night with a couple of his friends and told me I should drop by. He was seventeen and gorgeous and I was feeling rebellious after an argument with my mother, so I snuck out of our campsite and went over to the address he had given me. It was low key- just some of the lifeguards and their friends sitting around a bonfire. Some people were drinking (for the record, I didn’t), some people were smoking pot, but for the most part everyone was just hanging out, talking to each other, and having a good time. Jared was the nicest guy- not cutting-edge academic like ND boys, but a sweetheart and a perfect gentleman. I was there for about three hours and then he asked me if I wanted to go back to his tent with him. It felt a little primal and sexual and intriguing and I said yes. So we left and I lost my virginity in a tent on the beach. He wore a condom and continually asked me if I was okay. It hurt a little bit, but he went slower, and we eventually got into a rhythm, and then, oh wow! That’s what that feels like!


I know not everyone has the best first time. But guess what? It does happen. It’s just about making the decision at the right time for you and with the right person for you. Jared and I still keep in touch. I haven’t seen him since, but I will forever be grateful for such a phenomenal introduction.


*Want to ask Gemma for hook-up advice anonymously? Click here.



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Intimate Encounters is a new column I'll be writing for Her Campus ND and I decided to become a part of it because I want people (especially women) to start feeling comfortable with their sex life. I’m not here to lecture, preach, or tell you that everything that I have done or will do in my sex life is the right or wrong thing to do. I’m going to talk about mistakes that I’ve made, amazing experiences that I’ve had, firsts (a lot of firsts), funny stories, awkward moments, and people that have made a difference in the woman I’ve become. Hopefully I’ll also be able to answer any questions you might have-- seriously, no shame.