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How To Start Off Your Day the Right Way!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

With only three weeks of class left, it is easy to find yourself overwhelmed by the compilation of stress and exhaustion that you have accrued throughout the year, making getting up and starting your day an even greater challenge. However, this is the time to get out of bed, get to class, and get to work. So, here are some tips on how to make your mornings a little lighter and brighter.

1. Leave your blinds open

Leaving your blinds open at night is a simple step that can make a huge impact on your morning routine. For those of us who often sleep through alarms or simply snooze them, the sun is a great alternative that wakes you up completely and naturally. The gentle sunlight shining through your window acts as a signal to your body that it is time to wake up and start your day, making it easier to get up and stay up. Using this method allows for a positive morning experience in which the individual often rises feeling more relaxed and energetic. Living in Indiana, we are all aware of the great importance of the sun and its impact on our mood. So, remember to start off your day with a little sunlight and a lot of positive energy.

2. Make a breakfast date

Friends and food are the perfect recipe for a good morning. Still, many of us choose to forgo this pleasure, neglecting the most important meal of the day. Breakfast recharges the brain and body, giving you the start you need to perform well throughout the day. However, this fact alone often is not enough to encourage an 8:00 AM dining hall run. Making a date with a friend or significant other for a quick morning meal will give you the push you need to get up and get excited about breakfast. I have often found that when others are relying on me to wake up, it becomes much less of a challenge. Plus, waking up with bacon on your mind will surely get you out of bed and ready to go in no time.

3. Finish all your work the night before

Though this tip may seem like common sense, it should be noted that it is much more difficult to get out of bed when all you want to do is hide from your responsibilities. Running behind on work begins an endless cycle of stress and sleeplessness which will only result in angry mornings and exhausted evenings. Therefore, being productive the night before will allow you to wake up relaxed and at peace. This lack of stress will also result in a better night’s sleep and a happier, well-rested you. 


Now it’s time for us to wake up, study hard, and finish out the year! Always remember to soak up the light in your life, enjoy good friends and food, and manage your time wisely. Hopefully these tips will help you start your day with a positive outlook and end it with a good night’s sleep.


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Erin Rose Howard is a sophomore Business and English major at the University of Notre Dame. Hailing from the beautiful state of New Mexico, you can find her around campus attempting to bring some of her NM sunshine to ND. She is a strong promoter of the four main food groups: coffee, Diet Coke, chocolate, and pizza. Erin Rose's interests include: food, fashion, family, and friends. You can find the rarely updated story of her life on Instagram @erin_rose_howard or on Twitter @erhoward96.