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Helena Qu ’18, This Week’s Campus (Qu)tie!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Helena Yuancheng Qu is the biggest (Qu)tie pie on campus! She’s a sassy southern belle born in the Mardi Gras city of New Orleans, Louisiana who just moved to South Bend from Ridgeland, Mississippi.  Helena is a resident of section 2A in Lyons (side note: 2A is the BEST section).  Helena is also a Science Business major. On a friend level, Helena is one of the best friends a girl can have. Helena is hilarious and unique and I never fail to burst out laughing every time I’m around her. She will share her food and help you with homework or any kind of problem you could have. She is SUCH a hard worker and her dedication inspires me to do better. All in all, I love Helena, and I’m sure that you will fall in love with her too after reading this interview. 

Describe your hometown in three words.

Fried, classy, a little on the obese side.

Describe yourself three words.

Fried, classy, a little on the obese side (but not really, I’m just trying to make you laugh).

If you could wallpaper your room with one person’s face who would it be and why?

I would say Papa John, as in Papa John’s pizza because pizza is bae.

What is your spirit animal?

A fainting goat because I’m a spaz.

What’s your favorite part about Notre Dame?

Josephine Gallagher and Lyons 2A.  For real though, the people are just super nice and cool. 

So…what is a hidden talent of yours?

Well, it’s not really hidden because a lot of people know, but I can recognize people from Facebook without ever having met them. Sometimes I will just go up to those people and start a conversation with them. 

If you could talk to an inanimate object, what would it be and what would the conversation be about?

I would ask my water bottle to please never leave me. 

Describe your perfect first date.

Not a movie date because I am not much of a movie person.  Maybe something I’ve never done before, something a little dangerous like skydiving or ding dong-ditching people. 

Would you rather have really really hairy armpits and not be able to shave them or have really long toe hair that you can’t trim.  Why?

Toe hair because you could like braid it or wear socks. 

If you were to write a love letter to pork tenderloin, what would it say? 

Look at this porky

Loin of pork I love thee so.

Much red, much scrumptious

Who is your favorite Disney princess and why? 

My favorite Disney princess was Raven from That’s So Raven because she’s sassy. She also went to Georgetown in that one movie which is Catholic, like us.  


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All images were provided by Helena Qu.