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God, Country, Notre Dame: Election Update

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

In case you haven’t heard, it’s 2016 and we have to pick a new prez. It’d be kind of hard to miss with everyone #feelingtheBern and of course “the Donald” stirring the pot every ten seconds. So what exactly has gone down since we rang in the New Year?

The January GOP Debate

Good news is this was probably the last debate with so many freaking candidates. Bigger news was that arguably the largest elephant was not in the room. Donald Trump decided to say “pass” on this final debate because apparently he did not appreciate his previous treatment by moderator Megyn Kelly and Fox News. (God forbid they ask a candidate hard questions, right…) So what did we learn?

There are in fact other candidates.

The candidates who did show were Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Without Trump the next-highest polling candidates, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, got the spotlight. Although Cruz apparently had a bit of trouble in the top-dog spot, accusing the moderators of avoiding policy discussion and asking questions which target people against him. Overall the debate had a much more serious tone without Trump.

What about that policy?

No startling revelations really came out of the debate. Since there have been so many, at this point the candidates have made their cases and are really just trying to drive their main platforms home before the caucuses and primaries begin. Rubio reiterated that he wants to secure borders and Bush responded with a bit of bite. Paul let his libertarian flag fly a bit. Carson again emphasized how his non-political background is going to help him out. Et cetera, et cetera.

Boo Hillz

Spoiler alert: none of the Republicans are a huge fan of Hillary Clinton…or her email account. Oh, and Bernie Sanders would be a good president…of Sweden…

Yay Jesus.

Since the debate was directed at Iowans, a largely evangelical voting population, many of the candidates made it clear that they were good, wholesome Christian leaders.

Who’s the champ?

That’s up for debate…pun intended. Some new sources say that Marco Rubio could probably be considered the winner, others say that Fox got the best of all of them.  Even still some said that Trump’s forgoing of the debate sent a bigger message than any of them mustered on the stage. Yikes.  

Iowa Caucus

Wait a second, since when do Americans care about Iowa?

It just so happens that the Iowa Caucus is the first big vote of the season…so for one week every four years Iowa is a BFD. With both parties’ final nominations still up in the air, the caucuses (organized by the parties) and primaries (organized by government) are especially important for figuring out the final picks…and deciding whose campaign is done for the year.

Republican results:

1. Cruz: 27.6%

2. Trump: 24.3%

3. Rubio: 23.1%

4. Carson: 9.3%

5. Paul: 4.5%

6. Bush: 2.8%

7. Fiorina: 1.9%

8. Kasich: 1.9%

9. Huckabee: 1.8%

10. Christie: 1.8%

11. Santorum: 1.0%

12. Other: 0.1%

Democrat results:

1. Clinton: 49.9%

2. Sanders: 49.6%

3. O’Malley: 0.6%

What does this mean?

TRUMP DIDN’T WIN. I REPEAT: TRUMP DIDN’T WIN. Plus, Rubio isn’t looking half bad. Also, Hillz has a lot more to be worried about than she thought. After some tough losses, some of the losing GOP will most likely end their campaigns and for the Dems O’Malley probably won’t stick around much longer either.

Next up is New Hampshire! Yay America. Go politics.


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Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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Abby Piper

Notre Dame

Abby is a senior studying English, French and Journalism at the University of Notre Dame but remains obsessed with her hometown St. Louis. She loves running, water skiing, writing, watching Christmas movies all year long and The O.C.'s Seth Cohen.