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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

The time has finally arrived. We are back into the swing of – say it with me – football season. The best time of year. I don’t care, I’ll say it. I’m a joiner. I’m not one of those people at Notre Dame who came here for the academics alone. More power to the ones that did though. They’re probably going to rule the world, but I came here in large part for the football. 

So what do we need for Game Day? After one game, pretty much everyone has gotten the basics down. Your ID, your ticket (well your phone now, I won’t even get into how much of a nightmare this is), and of course your spirit. 

But what are some of the other things that you should bring to Game Day?

1. Your Dignity 

I mean, this should go without saying but I feel as if I need to remind everyone. Just like your ID and phone, you may lose your diginity over the course of the day, but at least don’t leave it at home. 

This girl left it way at home. I wonder if she ever even had it. She does go to Michigan.

2. A Tolerance

So, Notre Dame might not talk about this openly, but alumni are going to be plying you with booze all day long. You might not be ready for it. If you ever see me on campus, ask me about the Oklahoma game and I’ll take a knee, as I always must do, in remembrance of that day where I learned the word ‘tolerance.’ You must know where yours is and if it’s low, recognize it. You don’t want to end up in the drunk tank (which, by the way, I would love to see as a third party observer. My guess is there are drunk girls crying and white guys punching the wall). 

Don’t try to keep up with alums. These guys are pros. They’ve been drinking a whole lifetime longer than we have. Remember this. 

Beware of this guy. He can still house beers like the good old days.

3. Anger Management Skills

I don’t want to jinx the season, at all, especially with what a good start it got off to. However, if you know anything about Notre Dame Football you know it has its ups and downs. Get ready to have a vein bursting out of your head. Always remember to breathe. 

Love ya, Kellz. We didn’t like Tommy Rees either.

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