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person taking photo of pants and shoes

Eight Tips to Make You Feel Like a Photographer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.
Overcast Lighting is the Best Lighting

Nothing makes a photographer happier than a rainy day. Overcast lighting diffuses the light around your subject, making it even and well distributed. This gives you the opportunity to photograph them without the added complications of shadows and highlights.

Avoid Backlight

If you do have to shoot on a sunny day, avoid backlighting your subjects. This means that unless you are going for the dramatic half-shadowed look, your subjects should always be facing the light. I know it will hurt their eyes, but it’s worth it.

Know Your Camera Settings

Weather your shooting on a Canon, Nikon or your iPhone, one of the most important things about photography is knowing and exploring the different settings on your camera and being able to put them into practice. Experiment with aperture, shutter speed and ISO until you are comfortable adjusting each of them and you will become way more comfortable photographing in unfamiliar settings.

Always Take Test Shots

Before you even attempt photographing your subject, take test shots. These help you find out where the lighting is best, what settings you should be on and if your camera is working properly. Nothing is more embarrassing than taking a photo with your camera accidentally set on a timer; test shots can help you avoid these small embarrassments.

Shoot from Above

When photographing a subject, especially if you’re taking pushup pics in the stadium, always shoot from above. It’s scientifically proven that we are more attractive from an upwards angle, so even standing on your tiptoes to get a few inches above your subject can make a huge difference.

Don’t Use Flash

Don’t get me wrong – sometimes flash is necessary – but more often than not it will make your subject look unnatural. Avoid flash when you can, especially shooting indoors, to achieve a more natural and candid vibe in your photos.

Keep the Background Clean

Especially when shooting portraits or more professional subjects, it is important to keep the background muted and clear of any distractions. You want your subject to be the primary focus, not the blurry figures in the background.

Don’t Over Filter

For the love of God, Do. Not. Use. Instagram. Filters. Invest in an app like VSCO that provides dozens of more options that can take your photo to the next level while keeping it natural.

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Margot Butler

Notre Dame '21

I am an American Studies and Studio Art major at the University of Notre Dame. I have two sisters and have been surrounded by powerful women, my mother and grandmother, for my entire life. I am excited to join hercampus and use my position to inspire young women nationwide.