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Dressing Warmer & Looking Hotter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Yes, it is that time again.  Time to burrow into your dorm common room and order Jimmy Johns to avoid that 5 minute walk to the dining hall. Time to contemplate wearing snowpants for an 8AM trudge to Jordan.  We’re about to plunge into pants wearing days without end, pants for as far as the eye can see.  I love sweaters and riding boots as much as the next girl, but the ungodly winter weather in South Bend is enough to make anyone feel like a big blob of an eskimo person who’s smeared seal fat on their face to lock in body heat.

But what’s the alternative to this less than attractive winter fashion slump?  A whole day, or more than likely a whole night of discomfort?  We’ve all heard the stories about girls getting frostbite from walking home barefoot because their shoes were so impractical and uncomfortable.  However, there exists this lovely cross-section, the center of the venn diagram that represents winter dress, the overlap between dressing warm and looking good.  It’s not mythical, it’s definitely magical, and it’s easier than ever with the fall and winter fashion trends this year.  Here are a few forgotten fashion gems to help you hit that sweet spot between dressing warm and looking hot.


1.  Leather leggings can be classy!

Get a pair that is not too tight, and not too shiny.  Otherwise you will look like Snooki’s pale twin sister.  A matte shade of black, made with a thick material will look best.  In order to pull these off you should probably pair with boots or heels (or heeled boots!).  A loose top, or wrap cardigan will counter the sexiness of the leggings, and allow you to retain a demure look.  The best part? Leather is so warm!


2.  Profusely Preppy: Button downs and sweaters.

Does this even need to be said?  A button down underneath a sweater is always cute.  A lot of girls think it adds to much bulk, but paired with a skinny pant or legging.  Personally I like a bit of patterns a plaid shirt and off colored sweater.  Bringing tweed into the mix is always a great idea.  Take the preppy look a step farther, top with a blazer.  People will think you’re a professor!

3.  Cap it off with a cape!

Capes are taking the fashion world by storm.  I was incredibly skeptical at first, but finally tried one on last weekend, and what can I say, call me Super woman because I plan on spending the next couple months be-caped!  Stick to a heavy wool, and you’ll be plenty warm.  They come in all kinds of colors and styles, but they are almost always figure flattering, so experiment, you can’t go wrong.

4.  Bring back the blazers. 

Embrace the collegiate look and don a blazer underneath your normal coat.  The fit is super important so try a bunch on, but finding the right jacket is like getting of the waiting list for a foreign adoption.  It can take so long, seems impossible, and will change your life dramatically for the better.  My personal recommendations are black with gold embellishments, or a scholarly tweed with elbow patches.

5.  Look tight in tights.

There are so many unexplored colors, patterns, and materials. For daytime, try some unique colors like cranberry, olive green, and off-white.  At night, think about polka dot pantyhose, or lace, and rich jewel tones. As long as you stay away from sheer and opt for woolen or thicker tights, you can rock these out instead of leggings under skirts and dresses! 

Photos 1, 2, 34

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Emma Terhaar

Notre Dame

I'm a Junior English and Spanish Major. I love to cook, eat, and read. I someday want to be writer of novels, poems, and all things literary.
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AnnaLee Rice

Notre Dame

AnnaLee Rice is a senior at the University of Notre Dame with a double major in Economics and Political Science and a minor in PPE. In addition to being the HCND Campus Correspondent, she is editor-in-chief of the undergraduate philosophy research journal, a research assistant for the Varieties of Democracy project, and a campus tour guide.  She believes in democracy and Essie nailpolish but distrusts pumpkin spice lattes because they are gross.