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Decorating Your Dorm for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, Christmas music can unapologetically play, holiday shopping can commence and people can really starting getting into the Christmas spirit. To establish that Christmas atmosphere and procrastinate preparing for finals, go ahead and deck the halls, or at least your dorm room.

A Tree

“O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree”

Essential to any Christmas decorating, your room should have a tree. For a more practical option for the very tiny dorm rooms of ND, you can grab a mini tree (plus mini ornaments, mini lights, a mini tree skirt) which will look super adorable. If you want a bolder, more authentic look, and have the space, pick up a small evergreen for your room. That requires much more maintenance, but if you’re truly dedicated to the season, have at it.

Little Trinkets

“These are a few of my favorite things”

For a lot of my decorations I just fill my room with random festive objects. Nutcrackers, snow globes, miscellaneous Christmas items from the Target One Spot–the more the merrier.

Christmas Lights

“Let your heart be light

If you already strung lights in your room then congrats–you’re already on your way to a sufficiently festive space. If not, now’s the time. Nothing puts me in the Christmas spirit like being surrounded by twinkling lights. Plus, you can leave these up all year for ambiance.


“I smell snow”

Do it–get a holiday candle. Live on the wild side. I know I know, “4 minute burn down rate” or whatever ridiculous short time period we have until these old AF buildings disintegrate. But honestly, that just doesn’t make much sense to me and I know how to operate a candle without being a moron, thank you very much. How could I resist burning one of Yankee Candle’s amazing holiday scents?

Paper Snowflakes

“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow”

Tap into your elementary school self and make some paper snowflakes to tape on your windows. Bonus if you add glitter (but good luck cleaning it up).

Throw Pillows

“He sees you when you’re sleeping” (Wow, Okay, Creepy AF on its own)

Pick up a couple of cute pillows to make your bed a little more festive. Festive phrases and adorable patterns add just a touch of holiday flare.

Happy holidays from HCND! 


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Abby Piper

Notre Dame

Abby is a senior studying English, French and Journalism at the University of Notre Dame but remains obsessed with her hometown St. Louis. She loves running, water skiing, writing, watching Christmas movies all year long and The O.C.'s Seth Cohen.