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Debate Quotes From Your Favorite 2016 Presidential Candidates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

I am one of the large population of people in the United States that actually enjoys watching the Presidential debates.  The debates are a perfect opportunity to learn about the candidates’ policies and political beliefs straight from their own mouths.  It also demonstrates their abilities to speak in public, answer impromptu questions, and can play a key role in their poll numbers.  Regardless of one’s political beliefs, it is hard to deny that this election’s candidates are eloquent, intelligent, command the respect of their audience, and definitely embody the characteristics needed to be the next President of the United States.  Here are some of the best quotes that have come from the candidates during the debates thus far. 

Ben Carson

Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

Ted Cruz

Martin O’Malley

Jeb Bush

Carly Fiorina

Bernie Sanders

Jim Webb

Chris Christie

Marco Rubio

Lincoln Chaffee 

Bobby Jindal

Hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I did!  HCNDXO to you, to the debates, to America, and to the world!


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