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College as Told by Lana Del Rey Lyrics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Although she never ended up going to college, Lana Del Rey really knows what is going on with us college students. Her lyrics (when taken out of context) clearly define many of the experiences we go through in our four years.

First arriving on campus:

“I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name”

 –God Knows I Tried

Coming to a new school where everyone is unknown can be scary to some, but it’s also freeing. Starting over is a great chance to make new friends and find new interests.

Your new wardrobe:

“Blue Jeans, White Shirt”-Blue Jeans

Dressing up for a night out just got more casual. This is what you now consider a “nice” outfit. Let’s just say leggings and hoodies are the new wardrobe staple.

How you treat your notes during finals week:

“I need you, I breath you, I’ll never lose you”-Off to the Races

Your notebook is attached to your hip and nothing else will be as close to you as it is during finals week. Neat handwriting and organization are the way to go. Don’t lose it!

When you fail an exam:

“God knows I lost. God gave me life, and God knows I tried”-God Knows I Tried

A good friend once told me, “If you try your best, you can’t fail.” Lana is reiterating this idea in her song “God Knows I Tried.” You won’t ace every test, but do your best and you will succeed in the end.

Seeing at your GPA:

“How did you get that way? I don’t know”-Million Dollar Man

GPA’s worked a little different in high school. Your GPA does not define you so don’t worry about it too much.

Waking up 10 minutes before an exam:

“So I run like I’m mad”-Bel Air

I know so many people who have been in this position and it isn’t great. The best you can do is try to get to the exam on time and do your best even if you’re out of breath.

Writing a paper last minute:

 “There’s only 24 hours and that’s not enough.”-24

Don’t wait 24 hours before a paper to write it! I have made the mistake of doing this before and it was stressful. At least get an outline done the weekend before the paper is due.




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Sierra Mayhew is a rising freshman at the University of Notre Dame studying Film, Television and Theatre (concentration in Television) with a minor in Journalism. She is a guitarist and music enthusiast.  Follow her on instagram @sierra_mayhew.