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A CiNDerella Story: Part Two

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

For “A CiNDerella Story: Part One”, click here.

All of the sudden, Ella heard a knock on the door. As she answered the door, her eyes widened to discover an old women standing outside.

“Who are you?” she politely asked.

“Why your Fairy Godmother of course!” the woman replied as she walks into the room. “And you seem to be in a bit of some trouble.”

Ella hesitated, not knowing what to say. Within seconds, the Fairy Godmother picked her up off the ground and embraced her in her arms.

“You will be going to Club Fever,” she stated.

Ella looked at her torn outfit, “But I can’t, I have nothing to wear.”

“Nonsense.” The Fairy Godmother said, “I’ve got just what you need to fix you right up.”

With a flick of her wand, the Fairy Godmother transformed Ella’s ripped dress and shoes into a golden fantasy. “Even Our Lady on top the Dome would be impressed by your shine,” she remarked.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” the Fairy Godmother said with a grin. Another flick of her wand and out of thin air appears nothing but a handle of the finest vodka in all of Indiana – Kamchatka alongside the bubbliest of chasers – André.

“Why, Godmother!” Ella exclaimed. “I can’t accept all this.”

“But you must. You will have a good time tonight, Ella,” she replied.

With this, Ella took the handle of Kamchatka and bottle of champagne. Before Ella could even thank her Fairy Godmother, she has already disappeared. 

Ella, now beautiful and ready for a fabulous night, twisted open the handle. Three pulls of Kamchatka and a glass of champagne in and Ella was already feelin’ it.

It was now 10 P.M., and by Ella’s drunken standards, time to hit the town. She grabbed her wristlet, phone, and of course, her Notre Dame ID. Ella drunkenly walked to main circle to meet up with her friends, who were all amazed by her beautiful apearance. They hailed a cab, and soon enough their golden yellow chariot appeared in sight. All the girls stumbled in, ready to created at night filled with fun memories at Feve.

Upon their arrival, Ella and her posse headed to the main entrance. The bouncers saw Ella and were absolutely stunned by her beauty. They immediately escorted her and her crew to the VIP line. The girls got in without hesitation, and as Ella made her way through the club’s dancefloor, all eyes were on her, especially the eyes of the most coveted bachelor at Notre Dame: the star quaterback by the name of Brady Quinn.

And let me tell you, ladies: he was a HUNK.

Brady made his way over to Ella. She was caught off guard by his beauty, while he was immesenly intrigued by hers.

“May I buy you a drink?” Brady kindly asks.

Ella, still in a state of shock that someone of his magnitude would want to speak with her, stood there and stared for a few seconds.

“It would be a pleasure,” Ella said confidently.

They made there way to the basement bar, and soon enough, Ella and Brady were inseperable.

Time quickly passed. They drank. They chatted. They danced. They laughed. They had the most wonderful evening that Ella or Brady could ever imagine. 

But the clock read 11:45 P.M., and Ella needed to be home before midnight parietals.

In a state of panic and much to Ella’s chigrin, she abruptly left Brady, running away to the nearest exit.

But Ella was in such a rush that she left without realizing she dropped her Notre Dame ID! As Brady chased after her, he saw her ID tragically fall to the ground. He picked it up, looked at it, but by the time he looked back up to give it to her, she was out of sight. 

“Cinderella, huh?” Brady said with a smile.


Check back next week for the final installment, “A CiNDerella Story: Part Three”!


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Images: 1 (provided by author), 2, 3