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CavaCutie: Lauren Bequette ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

A year and a half ago I never would have guessed that my random roommate assigned by the University would become my best friend. Yet here we are! A year later we are still rooming together, sitting on our futon, eating Cheetos and discussing the weekend. For those of you who know Lauren Bequette, you’re lucky. For those who don’t know Laur, you’re in for a great time.

The Basics

Name: Lauren Bequette

Dorm: Cavanaugh

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Major: Neuroscience

Relationship Status: Single and ready to flamingle ;)

Home Under the Dome

What is your favorite Notre Dame tradition?

Besides Game Day, I love the dorm life. It is amazing that alums still come back years later and visit their dorms.

What is your favorite activity you are involved in on campus?

College Mentors for Kids because I love kids with my whole heart.

Your older sister is a senior at Notre Dame. What is the best part of having her here?

Honestly…? Just kidding! It is nice knowing that someone else has gone through this before, particularly during the most stressful weeks. Plus she’s always down for coffee.

Where is your favorite study spot?

Although I am a big fan of the second floor of the library (where you can usually find me), I love ACE at Christmastime.

How much do you love your roommate, Sarah Ritten? What are her best qualities?

I don’t. I’m getting paid.

If you could live in another dorm on campus, where would you live?

Carroll. Skipping leg day would never be an option!

Lightning Round

What song would your friends describe you with?

“Shake That”-Eminem

Who is your role model?

My mother. And also Barbie because she can do it all!

What three things can you never leave your room without?

Chapstick, gum, and pants.

What song do you always sing in the shower?

Usually my roommate DJs the showers, so it is usually up to her discretion (read as: “Hooked on a Feeling”). However, when the speakers die mid-shower, I am known to sing “Part of Your World” or “The Star Spangled Banner.”

What is your favorite movie?

It is a dead tie between Pretty Woman and He’s Just Not That Into You.

I have witnessed some of your very impressive dance moves. What move is your go-to?

It has to be the sprinkler, although I went to dance class for eight years. I guess it never really paid off. Sorry, mom!

You love to tell a good joke. Tell us your favorite!

Why do melons have big weddings?

Because they cantaloupe!

What is your favorite party song?

“Rather Be”-Clean Bandit

What quote do you try to live by?

“I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it.” That is my senior yearbook quote taken from The Titanic.

It’s Raining Men

What is the number one quality you look for in a guy?

I like a really thoughtful guy.

Khakis or colored pants?

Colored pants. Next question.

Bowties or ties?


What is your dream date?

I like surprises, so I would not want to know. But hopefully it involves a beach! 

If a random stranger came up and asked you on a date, would you say “yes”? Why or why not?

Absolutely! I like spontaneity. See above answer.

Thanks for the interview, Lauren!




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All images provided by author.

S. Riker

Notre Dame
