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Campus Celebrity: Roberto Cruz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Roberto Cruz is a rising sophomore from Houston, Texas – the best city in the world (or so he claims). He is a current resident of Stanford Hall and has not commented on whether it is the best dorm on campus.

His current major is business with no certainty as to what in business. Fun fact: when he first got accepted to Notre Dame, he was a Political Science major with no idea to how good the business school here actually was after finding out he switched majors.

Roberto’s life motto is to simply “look forward.” He says that too many times he gets caught up in focusing on the past. Every day brings a new thing for him, so he would much rather focus on the future and what’s to come than worry about things that he no longer can change.  

Despite having many inspirations in life, his greatest role model is his older brother. Although he did not have the opportunity himself to attend college, he was a large influence in Roberto’s life and the impetus to get into Notre Dame. His whole life he sacrificed for his family and took the brunt of hardships in order to look out for his siblings. Roberto says he is supportive and the most genuine person he has ever known, because despite having to sacrifice himself to give opportunities to his younger brother, he is proud rather than resentful and envious. This can’t be said of everyone that sacrifices for others and shows character.

When asked about his dream vacation he said he would probably want to visit Europe but specifically Spain. As a Latino, he would like to discover and learn about Spain’s culture since it is such a huge influence in all Latino cultures. Any vacation would be nice, but Spain would be ideal.

And what does this campus celeb do for fun? Well, majority of his time he spends playing soccer or hanging out with his friends. He does wish he played more soccer since sometimes it can be much more than a game but also a stress reliever when he needs to cope with problems.

Not only does he play soccer at Rolf’s as much as he can he also has his own engraved booth in Lafun basement. Apparently, if you spend more than 25 consecutive nights there you become a gold member. In Lafun he does a combination of working on school things and catching up with friends.

Well, there you have it folks. If you ever need someone to play soccer with or just be a really awesome friend, Roberto is there for you. I can attest to this. Not only is he understanding and supportive, but he is one of the most kind and caring individuals you will ever be blessed to meet. His friendship in my life is one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me. So, get with it and get to know him! Say hi if you see Roberto around campus, he’s super friendly.


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Political Science and Philosophy Major. Freshman at the University of Notre Dame.